Adopted by the Cullens and Alec's MATE!!!!!!-Chapter 2

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~16 years later~

Jordan's P.O.V

I have watched him from a distance and he has been my best friend for years and years back to when I first meet my parents. My dad never liked him but thank god Uncle Edward never told him I Loved Him for about FOREVER now. Since I turned 16; I started to see Alec in a different way, Bella told me that he felt the same way but that seem a little bit imposable at this point.

Alec's P.O.V

Jordan the love of my life let out another sigh as she gazed out the window in the new house in Alaska. Her beautiful blue gems for eyes were distant. I wished I had Edward’s powers so I could know exactly what she was thinking and if she even looked at me the way I looked at her.


She jumped as if she had just noticed me. She whipped head around and gazed me in my now golden eyes. She smiled her kissable lips spread making them look even more delicious than they already were. I took a seat beside her.

"Hey are you okay Jay?"

"Why would something be wrong?"

"You are just so distant since your birthday and all you do is stare out a window and sigh."

She looked away and her blood flooded her cheeks. Her delicious blood that tempted me every second of every day.

Jordan's P.O.V

I blushed thinking wow he's been paying attention to me as much as I do to him...Oh my god I think I just might faint. His caramel eyes were darkening pretty fast and then Jasper came in and touched Alec's shoulder and then whispered in his ear something I could not hear...or well overhear. Alec nodded his head and then stood up.

"I have to go and help Jasper. I'll be back and we can continue this conversation."

He bent down and kissed my forehead. And they disappear from sight. I leaned back with a brighter blush coated my cheeks I pulled my pillow over my face and let out a squeal in delight. He gave me a kiss even if it was on the forehead it was a start!! There was a knock on the door that brought me out of that.

"Come in."

In walked my mom and dad. They took a seat on either side of me. My dad was acting a little strange. His hands were curled into fist and he was very tense. Mother then put her hand over mine.

"Baby do you like Alec?"

I tried to play it out cool, "Of course I do I mean he is family."

Adopted by the Cullens and Alec's MATE!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now