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Leilani +

I awake in a cloud of gloominess as I roll around and unwrap the blanket around my body that I'm twisted up in.

Just as realization hits my face my eyes shoot open. I look around, at the unfamiliar room I am in.

This is not my hotel? Nor the rock I've slept on before.

The only light coming from the room is a lamp on the night stand beside me. Meaning its night time.

As I make my way out of the bed I notice I'm still in the same clothes I had on earlier from when eyebrows and I went to breakfast.

I walk to the door and twist the handle slowly, why am I being so quiet? Should I be scared that I don't know where I am ?

I push the thoughts aside and walk out the door leading to a long hallway carefully I follow the path until I'm confronted by a grand stair case.

Now its looking familiar when the living room comes into view.

The black and white interior of the walls and couches.

This is Mr Gilinsky's house, well of course it is. I don't think he'll drop me off at some random person's house.

I walk down the stairs and into the living room, I can remember where his office is from here.

Stopping at the tall black doors that I've seen before. I ball up my fist ready to knock, I hope he's in there.

Oh who am I kidding ?

I put my hand on the nob and twist before opening it without knocking.

His head snaps up as soon as I enter the room. "So much for knocking Miss Stone."

I scoff, "I didn't feel the need to."

"Are you hungry?" he asks, ignoring my poor attitude, which he surely knows how to bring me out of, "there's food in the kitchen."

My eyes sparkle at five words that where said, there's food? Wow, I don't mind staying here.

I swiftly nod my head trying to hide my excitement, it's really sad that I could get that worked up over about food.

But then, is it really a question if I'm hungry? Of course I am.


"Di-d Mr Kr-abs reall-y just fall for Misses P-uff." I say in between laughs, barley getting my words out.

At the moment, I'm sitting on the black carpeted floor, right in front of the TV watching SpongeBob.

After I was done eating, macaroni and cheese. I had nothing better to do, I mean, something about me taking naps makes me hyper, for some reason. But sleep just makes me less grumpy so, its probably just that.

Eyebrows had went back into his office and started working again. Only a few hours with this man, and I already learn that he's addicted to work.

Having nothing to do, I went into his office and "interrupted his hours of work" as he says. By asking any questions that came to mind and by touching things around his desk.

And let me tell you. I've never seen anyone get so irritated in my life. It was almost like smoke was coming from his ears. That's when I knew I over stepped my boundaries.

But he way over stepped my boundaries when he sent the whole freaking swat team out looking for me.

He grabbed my arm and took me into a room similar to the living room, which he calls his "den" where there is two lounging chairs sitting across from each other and a mini coffee table in between the two chairs .

Finding the chairs uncomfortable I took my seat on the floor right in front of the TV.

He left me there for a few minutes until I kept asking for things, like Cherries, Canada dry, and pistachios.

Well I didn't ask for those, I got a little hungry and he literally grabbed anything in sight he saw in the kitchen and brought it to me, hurrying off so he could finish work.

I had called for him on the little intercom, again, when I figured out I could not work the TV. Technology has improved from the last time I even set eyes on a TV.

After trying to teach me how to work the controller and me not getting it what's so ever, he decided to bring his work in the den to watch me.

I felt like an annoying 6 year old snot nose little kid, that someone is trying to babysit. But what? He asked for it, when he hunted me down.

So that's what leads us to here, twelve o'clock in the morning watching a show called SpongeBob that I have not seen in so long.

But it is my favorite show. I mean come on now, SpongeBob is my husband, with his funny and sexy ass.

Okay now what was weird.

"I'm trying to work here Miss Stone." grumpy eyebrows behind me growls.

He has all his paper work set up on the coffee table and he's sitting on one of those uncomfortable chairs.

His eyebrows are scrunched and he analyzes two papers in his hands. If he wasn't so uptight I bet you he would look a thousand years younger.

I turn back to the TV and frown when the show has gone on commercial.

I turn back to eyebrows, my eyes squint when I see he's already staring at me.

"What?" I ask suspiciously, dragging out the word.

"You really like that show?" he asks, an amused expression washes over his face.

Just the thought of SpongeBob, makes me laugh as I pop a cherry in my mouth, "of course."

My attention is back on the show when the theme song comes on, I sing lighty along

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My attention is back on the show when the theme song comes on, I sing lighty along.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

I hear Mr Gilinksy chuckle behind me. I turn back around to face him.

"What's so funny, eyebrows?"

His perfectly sculpted eyebrows raise, clearly amused by me.

"Eyebrows?" he asks.

I look down and pop a pistachio in my mouth and crunch on it.

"Well you never told me your name, so I've just been calling you that name in my head..." I say.

Wow this is so awkward.

"Is that so?" he asks, you could see he's being entertained by me.

"What is your name?"

"You really want to know?" he asks. I nod my head excitedly like I've been waiting for this moment to be reviled.

"Jack." he says.

I ponder for a moment, Jack.

"I think I'll just stick with 'eyebrows'." I say.


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& im from Texas :)

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