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It was the day of a very important test at Skyloft's Knight Academy. Everyone was there and were quietly taking there tests.

Except for Link. Who was face down on the table taking a nap.

Link was your lazy boyfriend who seemed to never get enough sleep. You could be in the middle of an important lesson in class, and Link would just be sleeping.

You sat right next to Link, so you couldn't help but notice he was sleeping. You rested your cheek on your hand and watched as your boyfriend slept through his valuable testing time. You weren't wasting your time because you were already done with your test.

Your mind couldn't help but think all those times you've caught Link sleeping in weird places and when he wasn't supposed to be sleeping.

Like this one time. You flying your loftwing through the clouds when you caught sight of Link's crimson loftwing. When you flew down so you were flying next to it, you saw Link sleeping on his back while riding the red bird.

You started panicking at the sight. Did he know how dangerous that was?! You ended up throwing something, you don't remember what, from your bag at his head to wake him up.

It worked. Link looked a little confused a first, but when he saw you, he just laughed and had you jump on to his bird and you two went flying to together.


You smiled at the memory.


You perked your head when you heard a sound come from the hallway. You saw, since the door was open, Zelda's pet Remlit Mia walk into the classroom.

The professor noticed and shooed her out. That brought up another memory.


You had just finished bathing and were about to head to bed, but you couldn't just yet. You had to get some notes you let Link barrow before you go to sleep. But when you got to his room, he wasn't there.

You searched the entire school and his room again, you couldn't find him. The only place you could think of where he could be at was somewhere the middle of night.

So you searched outside, avoiding the monsters and crazy remlits that roam around at night. You searched until you finally found Link!

He was sleeping under a tree with the notes you lent him laying on his chest. It was weird that no one had woken him up when it was time to go inside.

You were about to walk over to him and wake up, but you stopped when you watched a remlit jump down from the tree Link was sleeping under. The remlit got in a stalking position in front of Link's head.

...oh no.

The remlit pounced right on Link's face and began to scratch at him. Link woke up immediately after and screamed in pain. He sat up, grabbed the remlit, and threw who knows where.

Link jumped to his feet, the remlit was already running back towards him. Link yelped and looked around in panic. He saw you, ran over to you, grabbed you, and ran all the way back to the Knight's Academy where you tended to the many scratch marks on his face.

Sleeping really got him into dangerous situations sometimes.


You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a groan.

You looked over at Link to see he was waking up. He looked over at you with his head still on the desk and smiled at you, sleep still in his eyes.

You smiled back and gave him a small wave.

"LINK!!!!" The professor yelled, causing Link to immediately sit up. "We're taking a test! This is no time for you to be taking a nap!"

Link blushed as the class let out a few quiet laughs before going back to their work. You gave Link a sympathetic smile.

Add this to the many times you've caught Link sleeping during the wrong time.

Sleep (Link X Reader One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now