~In Hawaii~

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Hello My Readers I just wanted to let you all know that there is two parts to this chapter I hope you all enjoy it part one . Love to all my readers.  


(Stacy pulled out her cell and text Stormie. Stormie hear her cell ringing and notice it was Stacy texting her.)

Staxy: Hi stormie I was wondering if you can come to my room if you have a moment because I want to run something by you?

Stormie:Hi Stacy honey I have time right now I will see you in a minute.

Stacy : Okay thanks.

Stacy was on her way to check on Remee since she was napping from the long airplane ride and she heard a knock on the door.

(Stormie) Hi Honey is everything alright?(Stacy) Yes everything is alright i was thinking since we are here in this wonderful place I was thinking of doing our wedding here this week since I have everyone here that I love and wanted to surprise Riker and wanted to get your advice about it and what you thought?(Stomrie) Omg Stacy that is so sweet and I think that would be great idea .So how were you thinking about doing this?(Stacy)I was thinking maybe tomorrow afternoon. At the beach . And now how can we get everyone together without Riker knowing and get this planned ?(Stormie) Well that is easy part we can have Mark ask Riker to go get some food for lunch and then I can call him when we are ready.(Stacy) That sounds good now can we get everyone come here this morning so we can tell them my planned .(Stormie) Yes I will text them and ask them to come to the room. and if you can text Rydel I can text the boys .(Stacy) Okay I will do that . (Stacy pulled out her cell and text Rydel.Rydel heard her cell alerting her with new message.

Stacy: Hi Rydel can you come to my room with out telling Riker where you are coming I need to talk to you about something?

Rydel: Hi Stacy yes I can come over to your room I be there in a minute.

Stacy: Thanks .

(Stacy) Okay Rydel is on her way .(Stormie) Okay I am texting the boys now. and Mark.Stormie took out her cell and texted the guys .

Ross and Rocky and Ryland were watching tv when they heard there cell ringing and noticed it was their mom texting.

Stormie: Ross honey please come to Stacy room and don't tell Riker where you are going >

Ross: Okay mom is everything alright with Stacy and Remee?

Stormie: Yes honey they are.

Ross: Okay be there in a second.

Stormie: HI Rocky can you please come to Stacy room and don't tell Riker where you are going.

Rocky: Okay mom be there in a second.

Stormie: Mark can you come to Stacy room and please don't tell Riker where you are going.

Mark: Okay honey I will be right there.

Stormie: Ryland can you come to Stacy room and don't tell Riker where you are going.

Ryland: Okay mom I am on the way.

(Riker) Where are you guys going ?(The Guys) Will be right back we are going to get some snacks be back.(Riker) Okay well I am going to lay down since Stacy and Remee are laying down.(Guys) Okay .

Stacy's Room

Stacy let everyone one in .

(Everyone) Okay so what is going on and why cant we tell Riker where we were going?(Stacy) I am glad you all can come . The reason why I have asked you all here is because I want to let you all know that me and Riker are going to get Marry tomorrow afternoon and its a surprise for him.I want to see what you all think?(Everyone) Wow Stacy that sound great . All we can say is its about time.(Stacy) Good now here is the plan Mark can you take Riker somewhere until we call you when everything at the beach is ready then you can bring him there?(Mark) Yes honey I can do that . (Stacy) Ross and Rocky and Ryland and Rydel what I need is for you all to help me get the stuff ready on the beach like some chairs for you all to sit in and some flowers and something to wear for you guys .(Everyone) Okay we can help so when do you want to start?(Stacy) How about now .Rydel I need you to help me get a dress and a dress for Remee to wear along with Moma Stormie.(Rydel) Okay we can do that .(Stacy) Great .And guys can you go and get your suits to wear including Rikers since you all know what size he is and me and the girls will get the flowers and everything else.(Guys) Sure we can do that . I know its getting late and we get our stuff and get dinner after that.(Stacy) Okay great I we see you all this evening at dinner.Thanks everyone.(Everyone) Your welcome Stacy.(Stacy) Okay Moma Stormie and Rydel should we getting going since Remee is up .(Rydel and Stormie) Sure lets go.

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