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     There are many in our world today who believe that life is just a game. The only way to win is either to cheat or get lucky when the die are thrown. To me life is not a game more like a story that we write ourselves. A story that we all create through our actions and deeds. If we recall everything that was done in our lives that is the past. Life is us going through the chapters and stages of what is thrown at us. Life is all about what we do to contribute or when we do something we love yes we can have accomplishments but that shouldn't be our lives alone. I believe that my life will consist of my ups and downs and my caring for everything living whether evil or not. I may have lost a love but that won't close a chapter in my life. I have many other loves: my family, my friends, animals, kids, acquaintances, etc. What I look forward to in my life story is adding another character that will help me write it.

     Have you ever had this desire to pick up a pen and paper and just write about the most randomest things that are just ideas flowing in and out of your head? Have you ever just wanted to turn yourself lose yourself in your creation without worry or care? Sometimes that is how the greatest of masterpieces are made. Sometimes that is how an ordinary person gains the opportunity to carve their names forever in history for all in the distant future to revere. Or in my case it helps to get out some unwanted stress.

    My name is Rose “Shade” Thyme, before you start to snicker, yes I know my last name is an herb and my first name is a flower, I was born into the name so deal with it. I am fifteen years old, live in the beautiful city known as Berea, Kentucky. Small town, yes I know, but it is home sweet home. I am writing this journal for one simple reason: my psychiatrist told me I have to or I would be put into an insane asylum for more time than was given to me. Fifteen years old and already crazy? What are the odds?!! Well I wasn’t always like this. Guess I’ll start this story like any other….at the beginning.

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