Chapter 1: Spoiled

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People have a funny way of describing their origins. They find ways to describe the indescribable. They create logic to things that may have seem illogical. People always find answers even if they don't make the most sense. Maybe this force of habit is just hardwired into us, driving us to do the impossible or maybe it is just in human nature to be stubborn. I mean I am the Queen of Stubborness.

I was born on November 30th 1999 to Roman White and Harley Thyme, (the many jokes that I can make just from the names are reaching a level of over 9,000). My parents at the time were only dating and like the usual dysfunctional relationship, they were at each other's throats. The beautiful sound of hollering is the best way to welcome a child into the world don't you think? Funny thing was that I didn't cry when I was born, instead I only laughed, but it didn't last long.

Soon after I was born, Papa Roman decided to take a long desired vacation, one that would last almost eight years. He traveled to Philadelphia to start a new life, well since it was his hometown it was more like picking up right where he left off. My mother also went back to her hometown in New York City. You are probably wondering what happened to our good old main character Rose? Well I was left alone, an infant only a couple months old. I had journeyed into the life of a fake orphan.

I lived in the Home of the Forgotten, a name dubbed by the residence. My earliest of memories there was when I was half asleep in my tiny crib surrounded by the strange sounds of kids around me. They would pounce and bounce, fight and bite, destroy and enjoy every single second that they drove the adults insane. I seemed to be the only one immune to their obnoxious behavior. For some reason their screaming and crying didn't bother me, but don't think that I was one to join in their harmonic noise. In fact, I did the opposite. It actually allowed me to fall deeper into a sleep.

No one ever bothered me except for the staff who I to this day refer to as my servants. I enjoyed being all by myself and feeling like I had all the power in the world in my puny grasp. They fed me, let me crawl around (big mistake), changed me and place me back in my chamber until the cycle had to be repeated. It wasn't until my father's sister picked me up that my enjoyable stay ended.

I never called her my aunt, mostly because I only knew her for three years. I refered to her as Goldilocks. She had pretty blonde hair that curled around her shoulders, deep green eyes that resembled dazzling emeralds and a smile that could make any human being with a heart melt at her finger tips (thank god I didn't have a heart.....the only gushy, mushy stuff I wanted to deal with is the organ pumping blood into my body). She owned her own real estate agency, which didn't surprise me, and had only me to keep her company. Aren't I so lucky??! (Sarcasm....sarcasm everywhere).

My first day as her adopted daughter made me wish it was my last. She took me to clothing stores all over the city. I had tried on so many dresses that I swear I was close to puking if I ever saw sparkles and ruffles ever again. Why did someone need so many dresses?! I'm more of a "if it's comfortable I'll wear it" kind of gal. It wasn't until we passed a thrift store that I was finally able to get clothing more my style. Jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie, a combination that could never go wrong. However, I still had to wear those stupid dresses when Goldilocks had a party (basically every weekend).

By the time I was five, I was still the silent type (and still hated dresses). My silence wasn't because of the fact I couldn't talk. In fact, I learned to speak by the age of 2. My first words were "Kill it with fire" (I said it towards a fairy costume that Goldilocks try to make me wear for Halloween). I never spoke unless I wanted to or when I was barking orders to those around me. A fine example was in Goldilocks' backyard.

When she adopted me, she made sure I had all the toys and gadgets I desired. She had enough life savings, she made a million bucks look like pocket change. So of course I took advantage of this and had a medieval castle made in my honor. What? Psh don't judge me, you probably would have used it on a life supply of starbucks or maybe even food.

My castle stood at a towering height of seven feet tall and five feet wide (for a three year old this castle was big enough to be my getaway home). Made entirely of dark oak wood and stone, it pretty much looked like the real thing. I even had black and purple banners waving in the gentle breeze with a fox emblem to symbolize my reign. Inside my castle had furniture as well as a television, snack department, library, resting area, balcony and a weapons hall. I was almost ready to rule.

I was dressed in my finest t-shirt and jeans with a plastic sword strapped to my side and velvety black cape that glimmered in the sunlight and silver crown resting perfectly upon my head, showing off my royalty. However, as I gazed upon my kingdom below I had a sudden realization. How was a Queen suppose to rule without peasants?

Like the Evil Genius that I was, I paraded back inside my home and searched for Goldilock's laptop. I found it in its usual resting place on the kitchen counter. I climbed one of the nearby stools and flicked my elegant cape to the side so I wouldn't sit on it while trying to type. My hands stroked the top of the computer, it was the Holy Grail of information and now it was my source of propaganda.

Come pay your respects to your Queen! Attendance is mandatory or you will suffer the most highest penalty of death!!!!!

Yeaaaaa I think that would make them pee their pants in fear. I needed that, but after I gained the trust of the people. I deleted it and continued to type.

Calling all Peasants! Queen Rose Thyme is seeking those she can rule with an iron fist. Follow the address below and bring sacrifices for your ruler!

No, no that sounded a little to demanding. Besides, kids my age could barely read and write. I had to dumb this wayyyyyy down. Okay third times the charm, I thought to myself as I pressed the backspace key.

Cool castle with a Queen! Come with snacks and play!

Okay now that made me sound like a fourty year old. I place my hands on my forehead in frustration. What was I going to do to convince these twerps that they should come and worship me?? Okay calm down Rose you'll think of something. How about a goofy cartoon picture, your address and party placed in colorful letters? Yea that should work! Goldilocks has parties all the time, so what makes a difference if its mine?

I printed out as many posters as I could and placed them in my red wagon as ventured out to hang them around the neighborhood. While hanging a poster, a nearby jogger stopped to look at me confused and took one of the poster to read.

"What are you doing little girl?" she asked.

"Can't you read?" I remarked back slightly irritated.

She scoffed in disgust and put her hands on her hips, "I'll have you know that I have a degree in Literature!"

I rolled my eyes and mimicked her voice down to the annoying squeal, "I'll have you know that I absolutely do not care and if it were me just looking at you I would expected you to have been a Clown College graduate with that much make up on."

She growled in anger, obviously affected by what I had said. I gave her my most innocent look and walked away dragging my wagon along to finish raising awareness of my reign.

I returned home an hour later and grabbed a juice box from the nearby fridge. Now all I had to do was sit back on my throne until the worshipers piled in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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