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Harry was holding Ginny's hand, walking along the corridors of Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione not far behind them. Harry traced his fingers on the wall, remembering the battle that has just ended. They were making their way to the black lake, where the funeral was held for the ones that died trying to save others. He still felt as though it was all his fault. Ginny sensed his tension and squeezed his shoulders supportively. As they reached the black lake, they stared in awe at the view in front. There were like more than fifty tombs there! Dumbledore's tomb was in the middle and the rest formed a big circle around him. Each tomb had something engraved on it.

Ginny couldn't stand it anymore. Silent tears rolled down her eyes. Hermione came up to her and tried to calm her down. This only resulted in both of them crying. They just couldn't stand it. They lost so many loved ones. Lupin, Tonks and......Fred. Fred's death affected everyone. He was the life wire, along with George,But now....nothing. Just tears and sorrow in George's eyes. No more happiness in them.

George was sobbing in the corner. He never seemed like the type who would sob about anything but there he was, crying his eyes out.

He looked at Harry and they made eye contact. He got up and started to make his way towards Harry. Harry froze. He thought George was gonna hurt him or something.

Instead, George came over engulfed him in bone-crushing hug. To say Harry was surprised would be an understatement. He was beyond bewildered.

' Why're you hugging me?!' Harry asked almost scared of the answer.

' Because Harry........ you're a hero'

'W-what? George! I'm no hero! I killed Fred! It was cause of me he died! all because of me! Not only him.... Sirius, Collin Creevey,Lupin, Tonks and...... Snape.'

His voice cracked at the last word. he has always hated Snape. For seven whole years he has always thought of Snape as the bad guy, the evil one, the traitor. He never trusted him. he always thought Dumbledore wasn't wise to trust him. And when he finally finds out that Snape was actually trying to help the wizarding world defeat Voldermort....  it was too late. Snape did the right thing even though he knew what would happen to him in the end, even though he knew everyone would hate him for it, even though he knew he would die doing it. Snape's death effected him the most, next to Fred of course. Sadly he only knew he was the good guy after he watched those memories which was after he died...

' And now Teddy has no parents all because of me. He's gonna grow up as an orphan and he is never gonna know his parents cuz of me. He is gonna hate me. Even my parents' deat was my fault! And people whose names i dont even know died fighting in the war..........'

' No Harry! Dont ever say that. Yes, i am sad for Fred's death. i dont think i'll ever get over it for that matter, but think about how many more lives could have been lost if you weren't there to kill Voldermort. Think how many innocent lives would he kill. Fred would have wanted to die that way knowing he did a part in saving the world. he chose his fate, just like the rest of them. They chose to fight. Ginny smiled sadly, nodding. 'He's right Harry, don't do this to yourself.'
Harry let those words seep in; they were right, how long was he going to keep doing this to himself?

He sighed, nodding at both his girlfriend and George.
'Thank you, for everything,' he said, and he really meant it.

"That's a strange bird don't you think?" Ginny suddenly said
They all looked up to see a gigantic black bird with wings... It was a little too gigantic though. It looked more like a horse or something...

"Must be one of Hagrid's wild animals." Harry concluded.
"Yea you're right. He dies have a lot of weird animals."

That lightened up the mood a little bit not enough though.... Everyone was still mourning the deaths of Fred, Lupin, Tonks and the many others who died fighting. Things will never be the same. They never will be....

So that's the end of the first chapter... I seriously wanted to write longer but you see.... I have this sickness called laziness...
So I know it's really crappy but please bear with it cuz it gets so so so so much better... I promise! And what do u think the weird bird was?

Also.... I was thinking of doin a Trivia or something. There'll be a question at the end of each chapter and the first person to get the answer right would get a dedication in the next chapter... The questions would either be about PJO, HOO or HP...

Question : what animal did Percy, Annabeth and Grover get help from in The Lightning Thief and what was her name?

So let's see who gets the correct answer! And who here has read The Cursed Child? Don't worry there won't be any spoilers here... Promise!

~peace out✌️

The untold prophecy(sequel to A Hidden Secret)Where stories live. Discover now