Sorting Out Feelings Leo's POV

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I been trying all morning to figure out how I feel about Katara. The only way I can describe my feelings for her is love. I have to tell her before it's too late. While she is single at the moment, I imagine someone like her wouldn't stay single for too long. I look over at her to see her organizing a few things. She happens to bend over to pick something up and my eyes nearly pop out of my head. I quickly push the thought out of my mind. I stand up and walk over to her. "Katara, I need to tell you something." " Okay, what is it?" She asks curiously tilting her head. "I've known you for a couple months now, and I really want us to be more than just friends." I say. She gives me a shocked look and fit a second I was afraid she'd say no, but then she starts smiling and crying. "Oh Leo I like you too!" She them jumps into my chest and gives me a huge hug. I smile and hug her back. Then I kiss her full on the lips and she raps her arms around my neck. We're together now I think to myself smiling.

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