And His Prophet Butt-Head

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Chapter 2
Butt-Heads POV

There is triggering content in here, such as talks of suicide and vague drug usage. There is also lots of cussing.
This story goes hand in hand with chapter 1, with the events happening in chronological order, some occurring in the first fanfiction, some not. Extremely OOC at first but grows more into character farther into the story, since I see Butthead as a dynamic character. Not only that, but people act differently as kids. They're especially extremely attached to their mothers, like in this case.

(As usual, I will gladly take negative reviews. Just please keep them civil! If they aren't civil, then they will be deleted, since I asked you not to be rude right here. Annnnnywaaaay, enjoy!)


How the hell do you start off a story about yourself? Like, with facts and stuff? If that's the case, then okay...

My name's Butthead.

Make fun of it and so help you God

I have a very annoying little (half) brother named Beavis that is glued to my side in every waking minute and it gets on my nerves something terrible.

Yeah. That's all you really need to know about me, but since I'm in an alright mood, I'll tell you more anyway.

Beavis and I are often seen as best friends, since we fight a lot, look nothing alike, and just don't act like brothers. For a start, we're technically not full brothers—we have the same dad but different moms, so we're half-brothers. We don't look alike because we both look like our moms, who are like total opposites.

We live alone now... but, uh, it's okay, because I raised both of us almost our entire lives and I think we're alright. It's a long story so I might as well just start from the beginning.


Mom drank a lot and did drugs while she was pregnant with me just like my Aunt Pamela did when she was pregnant with Beavis. I don't know why they did, but I'm pretty sure that it's because Pam pressured my mom into doing it. Thanks to that, I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which basically means my face deformed in the womb because all my mom ever drank was beer and scotch. The drugs thankfully didn't really affect me, but Beavis you can't help but feel bad for. He has FAS too, only the drugs his mom did had gotten to his brain and now he has a bunch of things wrong with him. It is what it is, I suppose.

We've only seen our dad in pictures, so I can't place a voice or demeanor on him; I only have his image to remember him by. Although it's been eighteen years since me and Beavis were born, so I'm sure he's gained weight and has an aged face. My mom never really liked to talk about our dad and I never knew why. If I asked about him, she'd turn really sour and snap at me that she had better things to do. For her to yell at me was unlike Mom, since she was always a calm and level-headed person. When I was little and went to visit relatives, I was told I acted just like her. Despite how inde... indepin... alone I seem now, I used to be really close to Mom. Like, extremely close. That's why it hurt when she left, but I guess shit happens.

The house that me, Beavis, Mom, and Pam – B's mom – lived in is the same one that I live in now. I don't have memories of the first couple of years we lived there, but I can start pulling stuff up from my memory from when we were about three, starting when I first needed my braces.


I know you're probably thinking I somehow managed to smash my face on pavement or something, but surprisingly no. Like most people, my teeth were just naturally crooked. They had large gaps between each other too since I used to have a habit of chewing on my blankets back when my teeth were actually growing in. By doing that I fucked myself over into having to get braces, but you know, it happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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