Chapter 1

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When Los Angeles was mentioned in chapel most of the Sons instinctively huffed with annoyance. For as dirty as the LAPD was capable of being they didn't take kindly to out of town criminals and in a city that size it was difficult to get in and out.

"I can call my sister," Happy suggested. "She's been up in LA for a bit."

"No," Opie grunted. "I am not dealing with her."

"Wait," Juice looked around the table. "Hap's got a sister?"

"Don't ask," Jax shook his head.

"Once she gets that call she'll be around for a few weeks." Bobby added warningly.

"At least," Clay laughed.

Tig looked at the others and shrugged. "I like that crazy bitch."

"Course you do," Chibs wriggled his eyebrows.

"Don't," Happy growled in Tig's direction.

"Too late," Opie muttered under his breath.

"What? She's funny," Tig said innocently.

"If it'll get this goddamn snitch off our back quicker and smooth shit over for Rogue River then it's worth it."

A few members groaned but Tig slapped his hands excitedly on the table. "I'm going up, I want this one."

"You're SA dickhead," Jax rolled his eyes. "It's your job."

"Take Juice with you," Clay ordered.

"No one else would agree anyway," Chibs chuckled. "Have fun Juicy Boy. She's gonna eat you alive."


"How long this time, Mama?"

Poe scurried behind her mother, trying to match the long strides, as they raced to the car. Having two homes was normal for the girl but usually there wasn't the rush, the sense of urgency, that she felt then.

"I'm not sure," Ellie sighed. "I'll be around though, I'll visit and all, you know that."

With a tiny pout, Poe nodded and hopped into her booster seat. "I like Aunt Debbie but I miss you."

"I know," Ellie frowned deeply. "I'm gonna miss you so much, more than you know, but it's just for a little bit." Checking her watch, Ellie's heart jumped to an even faster rate seeing she was late for a meeting. "We gotta go,"'she huffed, slamming the door.

"I'm scared," she whimpered. "Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not," Ellie lied. "I'm just running very late."

"Okay," Poe didn't believe her mother.

Safely, but still speeding, Ellie took her daughter to Debbie's, the most secure place she knew of, and jumped out of the truck. Hurrying to the front door she frowned as Debbie answered.

"Everything okay?" She asked welcoming them in.

Ellie nodded and watched as Poe took her bag to her room. "He's back in California, I didn't think he'd be stateside for a few weeks. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Debbie assured her. "I love that girl and I know how important hiding her is."

"Thank you," Ellie sighed. "I have to go now though. I'll be by soon, I'll text you."

After quick goodbyes Ellie weaved her way through traffic to Goody's diner. The two Harley's in the lot, clearly belonging to SOA members, told her that the guys were already there, she despised being late but especially being the last to arrive.

"Tig mother fucking Trager!" Ellie didn't immediately hug Tig, like Juice assumed; instead she threw a solid punch to his side, and then, she hugged him.

"Jesus Christ," he pushed her into the booth. "This is Juice, Juice this is Hap's little sister."

"I have a damn name," she kicked his shin under the table. "Juice, I'm Ellie."

"Elvira," Tig corrected her with a devilish grin. "Elvira Lowman."

Juice was wide eyed as he watched what looked like a shrunken feminized Happy interact with Tig just as Hap would. "Guess Hap's not the only one who got stuck with a weird name."

"Seriously?" She glared at him. "Elvira is badass, Juice."

"He's always saying stupid shit," Tig laughed. "I'm gonna stick my balls in your mouth next time, ya idiot."

Juice's face turned an intense shade of red as he hung his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, it's cool, Mistress of the Dark and shit, it's just not one I've heard in person."

"Cheer up," she laughed. "So what's this job ya need help with?"

"We don't need help," Tig said defensively. "We just don't know the lay of the land up here."

"You. Need. Help." She repeated as the waitress poured their coffees. "It's fine. Whatever."

"Got a rat," Juice answered casually. "Someone went to the cops about another charter and now they're up here. LAPD ain't our friend."

Silent, she rolled her jaw and slowly began to nod. "I guess I could help you guys."

"Guess?" Tig scoffed.

"Where's Hap anyway?"

"Busy," they both said quickly.

"Oh bull-fucking-shit." She snapped. "Why didn't he come up?"

"He had uhhh," Tig found it hard to lie. Happy didn't have much of a social life nor any obligations outside of the club so a previous engagement seemed highly unlikely. "He's on a run."

"Lies," she hissed. The confusion over the lie was painted all over Juice's face. "Spill it, Tiny."

"I'm not tiny," he said defensively.

"Where's my brother?"

"He's on a job," Juice said quickly.

"I swear to god," she climbed out of the booth. "If he's in my goddamn apartment."

Tig and Juice stared at each other for a split second before racing after her. She jumped in her truck, squealing out of the lot, and second later the guys sped out in the same direction. Ellie left her truck running and took the stairs to the fourth floor to find the hall was empty and her door was locked.

"Idiot," she laughed. "I didn't use my real name on the lease." Smug, she turned and walked right into Happy who was waiting for her by the elevators.

"No, but you're dumb enough not to watch for someone following you."

Her face went white as she stared up at him, too surprised to feel disappointed that she'd fallen for such an obvious trick. The shock faded quickly and her lips turned into a bright smile.

"Hap," she threw her arms around him. "I'm sorry."

"You goddamn better be," he hugged her back with all his strength. "I thought you were in some African prison. What the fuck was that mess about?"

"Long story," she laughed. "Fuck, I missed you, man."

He smiled and nodded, throwing his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, well now that I know you got an actual apartment I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you."

Even though she'd been hiding in plain sight for years, with very good reason, the idea of her big brother being around was exciting. Ellie was thrilled to see him, although anxious about her truth coming out, and welcomed the company.

"Good," she smiled. "I guess it's time, huh? We can be a family again."

Happy nodded and kissed the top of her head while Tig and Juice watched from the far end of the hallway. "Damn straight. Whether you like it or not."


Soooo? Thoughts, comments, opinions, please let hear em' all! Xoxo

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