Chapter 6

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Tikki hovered over the city of Paris before settling down on a tree in the public park to bathe in the cool shade. Coming near, she noticed Plagg sleeping on a tree branch inside an empty can of camembert. She giggled loudly which woke the other.

"T-Tikki?!" He exclaimed as he flew up into the leaves above, bumping his head.

"Hi Plagg!"

He came down rubbing his head with a grin. "You seem more cheerful than usual around me today."

"Well..." She tilted her head. "I guess, I just feel quite happy today. That's all!"

"Now that's the Tikki I always knew." Plagg chuckled. "So, um... Do you still regret what happened with her?"

Tikki hesitated. "I-I don't know..."

"I see."

He reached to pat her head as she stared. Within seconds, she leaned forward and pecked his cheek before dashing away. Plagg stood there spellbound and placed a hand on his cheek blushing as much as he did that night.

Tikki flew in quick circles high up in the air, covering her bright red face. She had kissed him. She kissed him and ran off right after. It happened all so fast. She accidentally slipped out of her boundaries and expressed a bit of her feelings.l

'That was so brave of me! I can't believe I—it won't be awkward right? No! He's not like that, right? Ahh! He likes Nooroo! What did I do?'

She swarmed over to Marinette when she took a short break to the girls restroom during class. Tikki let out a little squeal behind her which was enough to scare the bluenette.

"Tikki?! You scared the hell out of me!" Marinette laughed as she washed her hands. "What happened?"

"I—I—" She fidgeted as she only got redder and brighter. "I kissed Plagg on the cheek!"

The other's jaw dropped and gave Tikki a light squeeze. "Oh my god! You kissed him?! Wait—it won't be awkward between you two, right?"

"No, he'll probably think of it as a joke or something of the moment... He likes Nooroo."

"But, what if he doesn't like her?"

Thinking to herself, Tikki stayed quiet. "Maybe... Maybe i'll confess before he likes her even more?"

"And what if he already knew your feelings?"

"Then I'll be really sad. He might reject me and our connection as friends will disappear for good..."

"Awe." Marinette kissed Tikki's forehead and gave her a cheerful smile. "You can do it!"

"Thank you Mari!" She sped off after waving goodbye as Marinette returned to class.


'Did she just—' He shook his head, smacking himself against the tree branch on repeat. 'Did she just kiss me?! Crap! Crap! Crap!'

He began flying in circles with his head still shaking wildly. After a while, he calmed down and sat on the tree branch to rethink the entire situation. As soon as the bell rang for school to end, he rushed over to get Adrien.

Adrien lifted his arms up to check the time on his wristwatch, but saw a speeding black object heading straight towards him like a rocket. Catching whatever it was, he glanced and let out a laugh. He rubbed his thumb over Plagg.

"You're so dirty, what happened?"

"Uh... You didn't hear?"

A devilish smirk crept up onto Adrien's face. "Oh? So something did happen to this bad little kitty."

Pouting, Plagg turned away. "S-Shut up! Let's get going!"

"Alright, alright."

The two walked their way out of the school entrance and down the school steps towards the designated car until Marinette ran over. She shouted their names for their attention and they stopped midway.

Adrien smiled and waved at Marinette. "What's up Mari?"

She eyed Plagg. "I'll tell you tomorrow. But, I needed to give you these croissants! My parents heard you loved them so they're giving you more."

He took the brown paper bag and kissed her. "Thanks princess. I'll see you soon."

The four separated into their rightful pairs and went home. On their way, Tikki kept gushing to Marinette over how romantic the little moment just earlier was in full giggles. She blushed at the memory and told the red kwami to keep quiet.

'It's just love.'

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