Psycho Harry - Oneshot

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I know this feeling. The feeling of being watched. Even though I'm the one usually doing the watching. I looked over my shoulder, but nobody was there. I swear, whoever is stalking me is going to regret it.

I continued to walk down the dark streets. I went on a walk to clear my head. Well, as clear as it can get with the voices in there.

My phone started to ring, so I fished it out of my pocket and smirked at the caller ID. "Hey, pumpkin, miss me already?"

"Yeah, I missed you as much as my period. Which just made an unwanted visit, so can you pick me up some tampons?"

"I don't know, you know how much I love my women in red."

"Well you're going to adore me this week."

"I always do, pumpkin."

"Can you just pick up the tampons? Also, Clarece wants a candy bar."

"Make that seven!" I heard Clarece yell in the background.

"Alright, anything else?"

"Unless you want to stop by Vampire's dealer and get him some weed, I think we're good."

"You don't say stuff like that over the phone, Nom Noms! I swear, if your slip up effects this entire operation, you're going to have so many stoners after your axx!"

"Nobody touches my lady's axx, besides me!" Prince chimed in.

"And me." I added and hung up before all hxll broke loose. You know how Disney princess can get.

I kept walking until I reached the closes drug store. The feeling of being watched was still present, but I shook it off for now. I walked into the store and the overhead bell rang. It was vacant, except for the old cashier - who looked like she was holding on to life by a thread.

I turned into the aisle of uncharted territory.

The tampons.

I honestly have no idea what I'm looking for or at. I slowly pick up a box as if it will bite me. I look down at the container in my hand and furrow my eyebrows.

"What the fxck?" I mumble under my breathe. They look like tadpoles.

I heard the bell from the door ring and I looked up, but there wasn't anyone there. I swear, if this is like a scene in a horror movie, they're going to wish they chose someone else to mess with.

"You look like you need some help." A voice came out of nowhere and laughed.

My hand quickly went to my pocket - which had the pocket knife that Liza gave me - and turned around. My eyes widened in shock. The voice belonged to a woman with short, brown hair and dark brown eyes - that almost looked black - which complemented her light caramel skin. She was nothing what I usually find attractive. The woman was gorgeous.

I quickly regained myself because she was expecting a response. "Is it that obvious?"

"Very. Did your girlfriend send you with no instructions?"

"Yeah, my friend did." I made sure to make 'friend' stand out, so she doesn't get the wrong idea.

"Well, let me walk you through the road of womanhood." She said, while smiling and gesturing around the aisle. "Alright, so do you happen to know what size she usually uses?"

My face dropped. "There are different sizes?"

"Wow, what an amateur."

"I'm sorry that I don't have a vagina." I said sarcastically.

Pyscho Harry - OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now