Chapter 2

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(Frankie's POV)

The Sats and I were all sitting in a restaurant out in London for lunch. We were all seated at a round table, our seating positions like this: Una, Vanessa, Mollie, me, then Rochelle. They were all laughing and having a good time, but I sat there in silence, not talking unless I was spoken to directly. I pushed my food around with a fork. I wasn't hungry. My mind was too consumed with a million thoughts. It had been about a week since the first time I cut myself, and ever since then, I've been asking myself some pretty deep questions.

Am I depressed?

Why am I acting like this when I'm supposed to be living the best life anyone could ever have?

How much longer is this going to last?

Is there something wrong with me?

Will this constant hate from people ever end?

Do I want to die?

With each day that passed that week, I felt the urge to cut grow stronger and stronger. I couldn't cut myself though. I had promised Mollie I wouldn't do it... but I felt myself slowly slipping, as if I were about to give in any day now. Mollie and I never talked about the situation again, just like I had wanted it to be. I didn't want her to make a big deal out of it and start worrying about me too much.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Mollie's hand on my shoulder.

My eyes met her gaze and she talked to me under her breath, trying not to draw too much attention from the others, "Are you okay Frankie? You haven't talked once the whole time that we've been here, other than to order your food."

"I'm fine. I've just got a lot of things on my mind right now." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

She gave me a look of disbelief. Then she sighed, "Okay... but I want to talk to you later today alone, alright?"

"Okay." I said.

Mollie reached for my hand that was resting on my leg. She gave it a little squeeze and smiled at me, trying to lighten the mood. I forced myself to smile back. It wasn't a real one though. We stayed holding hands for the rest of the meal. It was kind of nice. It reminded me that she would always be there for me whenever I needed help.

When we all finished eating, the other girls went their separate ways back to their own houses, but Mollie and I stayed together.

"So, what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" I asked once we stepped outside of the restaurant.

I didn't have my car because Mollie had picked me up from my flat that morning before going out to lunch with the girls.

"Well, it's bloody freezing out here, so how about we go back to my place and have some tea by the fireplace?" She said, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm.

"Oooh how romantic!" I joked.

Mollie just laughed and smiled at the ground. Her cheeks had a tint of red on them.

How adorable.

"Well, let's go before we freeze!" I said, walking towards her car.

(Mollie's POV)

I felt my cheeks get warm, despite the cold outside. Oh Mollie, you hopeless romantic... you're never going to have Frankie. Stop trying to get someone you know you'll never have.

Yes... I, Mollie Elizabeth King, have a HUGE crush on Francesca Sandford.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Frankie yelled for me to unlock the car. I laughed off my embarrassment once more and unlocked the doors, immediately getting into my Jeep with Frankie. I drove out of the parking lot and turned on the heater. When we got to my house, I parked in the garage and we headed inside. Within a few minutes, I was in the kitchen, making some tea for Frankie and myself while she sat on the countertop nearby.

"So, are you psyched as I am for recording tomorrow?" I asked Frankie, smiling at her as I waited for the water to get hot on the stove.

"I don't know... Sort of I guess." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

My smile faded and I furrowed my brows at her. "Why? You know we're recording Disco Love, right?"

"Yeah but-" She sighed. "Nevermind."

I crossed my arms and walked over to Frankie.

"C'mon Franks, why arent you happy about tomorrow?" I asked, searching her eyes for an answer.

(Frankie's POV)

I glared at her. "Ugh forget it Mollie!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "I don't have to be excited for everything, you know!"

My blood was boiling. I shouldn't have to be happy about everything... Another day in the studio means another day of singing the same damn lyrics over and over again just to get one solo right. And then hearing my voice played against the other girls' reminds me of how much better their voices are than mine. Recording sessions suck.

As soon as I came back to my senses, I looked at Mollie's face. Her expression was shocked and her eyes were full of hurt.

"I- I'm sorry." She stammered. "I just thought you might be excited about recording the new single."

"No, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh to you." I spoke, regretting my outburst.

She stared into my eyes for a moment. "It's fine. I know you've got a lot on your mind at the moment." She said.

I sighed and looked down at my feet. "Yeah."

Mollie held both of my hands and pulled me off the counter from my previous sitting position so that I was standing in front of her. She let go of my hands and hugged me. I relaxed in Mollie's arms and hugged her back, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.

"I want you to be happy, Frankenstein." She said.

"I don't know how to be." I whispered under my breath so that she couldn't hear me.

"What?" She asked me, pulling away from the hug to look me in the eyes.

Good, she didn't hear me.

"I said 'I'm trying'." I lied.

"Oh, okay... well I'm proud of you for not harming yourself for almost a whole week now." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"You've been keeping count of how many days?" I asked. I was surprised.

"Yeah. I have. I really do care about you Frankie." She said.

I couldn't hide my smile. I felt myself beginning to grin a little.

"Thank you Mollie." I hugged her again.


A/N: Ugh I know, I know... Crappy chapter, I'm sorry... But things will get more interesting and dramatic soon enough!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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