Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of The Joker!!! This is my first honest try at a Naruto fanfic so I hope that who ever reads it will enjoy it. And if there are any mistakes, grammar, punctuation, spelling etc, then PLEASE tell me. I want this to be as good as I can possibly make it. I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY SAGI

Also the picture up there ^ is Sagi's Yari

Sagi's POV

I've been walking for about 2 days and have yet to see another village. I left my home, The Valley of Hell in the Land of Hot Water, and went southwest from there. I haven't seen many people, but I am walking in the woods. I probably should have found a river to follow but I was feeling spontaneous.

After walking for about 2 more hours I'm able to find a dirt path to follow. I flow done chakra into my eyes to activate my Kekkei Genkai; I need to see if there are any massive chakra signatures to try and find a village to stay in for a while. While in said village, I plan to learn as much as I can about any and everything.

After searching for about 15 minutes I'm able to find one only a few more miles from my current position. I can't tell exactly what village it is, but I have good idea, considering I'm in the Land of Fire now. I walk the last few miles until I reach the village gates. Walking closer I get stopped by two ninja guarding the gates.

"Stop! State your name and business!"

I clear my throat before speaking, "I'm Sagi Chinoike and I'm here to take residency in this village"

The two look at one another before coming to an agreement with just their eyes. "We'll take you to the Hokage, he's the Leader of our village".

I nod my head in thanks and then begin to follow them through their village. As I walk between the two Konoha ninjas, I observe the things around me. There's men and women walking with smiles upon their faces; children running around and yelling with a certain brightness to their voice. This village is where hope and faith are created...

Every village would kill to have even a sliver of the peace that Konoha appears to have. Even if said peace is just a fake cover up for the truly morbid shit that Konoha does. You can learn many things at a first glance of the people within a village.

For instance, I can tell that every single person we've passed, does not trust me and will most likely hate me if I'm allowed to stay in this village. I also know that the Leader of this village will most definitely have ninjas watching me.

But enough of that, I best start paying attention since it's seems that we've arrived at the Hokage's office.

"Wait here" I'm told as the two ninja knock and then go inside after hearing a faint "Come in".  They're in there for about 5 minutes before they come back out and tell me to come in. Entering the room I see an old man sitting behind a desk, wearing a robe and a large hat. The Hokage motions me to sit in the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

"So, I hear that you wish to live in my village. May I ask why?"

I take a breath to calm myself before speaking, "Well, I left my village so I could learn to become stronger also I like to observe others. I learned everything I could from the people in my village so now I'm going to try to learn everything I can from other villages. But, I would also like to be a ninja."

The Hokage nods his head in understanding but has suddenly has a look of confusion on his face. "Why could you not be a ninja in your own village?"

I shift in the chair a bit, since I'm starting to get uncomfortable. "Well, there were certain details that had to be met in order for me to be accepted as an actual ninja of the village. Those details were for me to be a Jashinist and to fight in a Jashinist style. I refused to do this because I find Jashinism disgusting and I already had my own style of fighting."  The Hokage, again, nods his head in understanding. We then continue to talk about how long I would be staying and what would need to happen if I wanted to become a ninja of Konoha.

"The graduation exam to become a Genin isn't for a a few months, but it would fine with me if you wanted to join the graduating class, as long as you knew that there would constant watch on you, just to make sure that you mean no harm to the village. You would also be living with one of our most trusted Jonin."

It's takes a few minutes, but I go over the Pro's and Cons of the proposal. 'I have nothing to hide so being watched isn't a problem. I'm just slightly worried about who I'd be staying with'. I come to a decision and look at the Hokage, "I agree to your terms, Hokage-sama."
He smiles at me in return then tells one the ninja in the room to go get someone named Ibiki?

So that's the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it!



Until next time my lovelies~

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