Prologue: Just Thirsty

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Picture of Lena Bishop off to the side 

Prologue: Just Thirsty.

My eyes snapped open as I heard the shuffle of feet around me. Shit. I can't believe I slept through the orientation. I hesitantly shifted my eyes towards the side to see a pissed off Kennedy staring at me.

"We are here to help people. Not for you to take a nap," she hissed. I rolled my eyes at her seriousness. She needs to chill we were volunteers not doctors. As I pushed myself off the chair, I couldn't help but notice the puddle of drool connecting my face to my shirt. What a great way to start my morning.

"What did I miss?" I asked with a lazy smile. Kennedy grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the posting on the wall.

"Basically, we have assigned jobs. We have to stay here for a minimum of two hours each day and report to our supervisor." Did it take that old bat a two-hour orientation to explain five seconds of instructions? No wonder I fell asleep. Kennedy let go of my wrist as she went to find her name on the ballot board.

I let my eyes wander the list. Lena Bishop. I finally found my name and whined loudly. I was on supply duty. I swear when I get home I am going to strangle my mom. She was trying to shove me into the medical field only to realize that there was no way I was going to do it. I get that we are Asian, but that does not mean I have to become the stereotypical doctor. I swear parents are annoying. I only agreed to this because it meant I did not have to be home when she was home, and when I got home she would be at her job. Thank god nurses had to take night shifts.

Kennedy came next to me with a big smile on her face. "What is your job?" I asked. She informed me that she was playing with kids. Kennedy would enjoy that. I ,on the other hand, would rip my hair off. I hated kids. They were needy and you had to be interactive. Me, on the other hand, I moved like a sloth. At least I did not have to interact with people with my job. I could sleep in the corner and no one would know.

"I, on the other hand, am in charge of supply duty," I told her. Kennedy gave me a thumbs up. My friend knew how lazy I was.

Before I could respond a large voice came over the speakers. "Okay guys, please report to your supervisors." I looked down at my name tag and noticed I had a four. I looked around to see the most energetic human being holding a four sign. Great. I honestly do not have the patience to deal with this much energy at eight in the morning.


"Okay, Lena you are going to be moving the supplies from this box to shelves. Then you have to count the inventory. After you count the inventory you have to make sure all the cabinets for each room are filled. Then you have to record how much you used." So basically I was doing a bunch of math. Great.

"If you need any help Lena just ask the nurses to page Todd. They will know what that means." What the heck. What else would it mean? It's not like it's an unbreakable code.

"Cool," I responded. Todd smiled in appreciation. I guess he didn't realize that did not mean thank you, but rather when is lunch?

"Okay sweetie," Wait did he call me sweetie. What is wrong with this man? Do not call me sweetie. I am not your girlfriend. "Go do work." What else was I supposed to do? The sarcastic comments were itching to escape my mouth.

Todd then took the time to raise his hand. I looked at him and then realized he wanted me to high-five him. I stared at him. His eyes looked scared from getting rejected by a seventeen-year-old. Man, this thirty-year-old man needs to get out more if he is scared of me. I hesitantly gave a tight smile.

"Yeah! Now let's get to work!" He then left the room, and I began pulling myself to the adult diapers. One, Two, Three...Man, this was going to be a long day.


I wanted to go in the corner on to Wattpad and read the recent update from my favorite author, but instead I was pushing towels into the cabinets. Ughh why did she have to update at 10 am when I was obviously unable to take out my phone without having a nurse say something to me. I closed the cabinets and pushed the cart around the corner. As I approached the cabinet, I could not help but notice the nurse's desk no longer insight. It would not hurt to just take a peek at the first paragraph.

I quickly pulled out my phone and open the app. Man, I hope that stupid girl tells the guy that she likes him. He obviously likes her so I do not see why she can't just tell him. I waited anxiously as the stupid app loaded. Stupid WiFi.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" I squeaked as I turned around to see a teenage boy leaning against the opposite hospital room.

"Aren't you supposed to be sick?" My eyes widened. Did that really just come out of my mouth. It was a reflex. Bitch alert. "I mean aren't you supposed to be in your room." I awkwardly avoided his gaze. I expected him to alert the nurse and tell them I was being bossy towards the sick.

"Touche." My head snapped up to see the bald boy smiling at me. He wasn't technically bald. He had very little hair, but it was enough for me to classify him as bald. Without the hair, my eyes focused on his light brown eyes. His whole face was pale except that small hint of color.

I did not know what to say. Instead, I just shifted my weight from one foot to the other. Luckily for me, a nurse came pulling a wheelchair. "Noah are you ready to go finish up your test?" I quickly turned around, thanking the old woman for saving me from an awkward conversation. I began to pretend the small water bottles were the most interesting thing.

"Yeah. Just give me a second." I heard his footsteps come closer to me, and then I felt a presence against my back. I knew he was sick, but I had the urge to sock him in the throat for invading my personal bubble.

His arms went over my shoulders and I saw him grab a water bottle. As I heard his footsteps move away from me, I turned around to see him with a goofy smile. "Sorry just thirsty." He began to turn towards the nurse before he hesitated and looked back at me. He squinted his eyes at my name tag and said "Thanks, Bishop." 

Picture of Lena Bishop off to the side. 

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