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Who said hearts should break apart?

I know, maybe I should mend this

He took particular notice of your fleeting body as your figure descended further into the horizon. Each step you took shrunk your once normal-sized body to the point it resembled a minuscule ant. He had to press his vision just to be able to notice the small waves of your skirt swaying through the light breeze on this chilly evening. He hadn't chased you due to the conflict that flared in his eyes. He had been stupid enough to put his work before you; his goals before anything you needed. He prioritized his own ideals against anything you offered.

You refused to look back. That face of his would surely have you running back into his arms in no time. You were not going to be weak. You could not afford to allow your raging emotions waver your final decision. The half-devil chose his path, and it did not involve you. Thus, you kept on your way and continued your walk down the desolated street, following the path that was gingerly lit by the setting sun. Tears had been streaming down your face since you told him that you were leaving.

After the image of your figure had fully disappeared from his sight, he continued down the path opposite of the direction you left in. He refused to acknowledge that somehow this had all been his fault; for your tears to fall, and for shattering your fragile, delicate heart into millions of fragmented shards.

I'd approve of this change

If the change hadn't meant you changed

It has been about a year since the moment you walked out of Vergil's life. Due to recent events, they had started to relieve the ache that bellowed in your trembling and fragile heart. The soft beat rumbled through the air as you continued your pace down a busy sidewalk. Glancing around, you looked for any building that could've resonated with such a sound that could be heard even during the busyness of bodies rustling about in broad daylight. Not noticing any building that would stick out from the rest, you tried to carry on with your brisk pace. That is, until a bright, glowing light caught your attention through the peripheral of your eye.

"Devil ... May Cry?"

You murmured random, incoherent sentences as you changed your intended direction towards the interesting constructed dwelling. Upon reaching the door, you took note of how the entryway was opened slightly ajar and the music from before grew much louder the closer you were. Pushing open the teak mahogany door, you popped your curious head in for a peek. Jaw dropping open, the sight before was beyond fascinating. Weapons adorned the walls, a mini setup of a home-owned bar sat to the left of the room, and a small arrangement of a sofa and two chairs accompanied by a small, rounded coffee table sat to the right of the wall by the doorway. But what had really caught your inquisitive eye was the neon-lit jukebox, the retro instrument had been blasting off a song you hadn't heard of before and the beat of it was so catchy it lured you to the building from a busy bodied street.

Daring yourself to adventure within, you took the small cautious step in and looked around before you came face to face with the jukebox. You stared at the profound rotundity of it and placed two delicate fingers to gently graze the lit part of the jukebox. Feeling the rhythm reverberate through your finger pads, you closed your eyes and allowed a soft smile to grace your features as you lost yourself in your thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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