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Johnathan Salvatore was in Diamond City visiting his younger sister, just having returned from a two week hunt a little north of the Commonwealth. He walked right on up to his sister's place and knocked on the door. She answered and immediately jumped into his arms, hugging him. John, the shortened named that she called him, always had a close relationship with his sister. He was very protective of her. If any guy wanted to date her, he would take them to the Combat Zone and put them to the test. He wouldn't let them get severely harmed, just enough to show if they were worthy of his sister. He always told them, "If you can't even protect yourself, then how are you gonna be able to protect her" Of course she currently had a boyfriend, mainly because he was able to best John.

John had only been in Diamond City for an hour before gunfire rang out. The sirens sounded and all of Diamond City's citizens rushed to the safety of their houses. John told his sister to get inside and rushed for the exit to see what was going on. A security guard stopped him and said, "Woah, it's not safe. There's a lot of raiders out there and the gate is malfunctioning. Get back inside. John looked at the half closed gate and then looked outside. He saw a few raiders pushing back the DC Security force. As John did all this looking, he thought to himself, "I promised my sister I would protect her no matter what. If those raiders manage to succeed, there won't be a Diamond City." He then looked at the security guard at said, "Sorry, afraid I can't do that." The security guard said, "Fine, you wanna play hero, then play hero." He gave him his gun and retreated inside the safety of the walls. John ran outside and took cover behind a barricade. He began firing on a line of raiders and downed them all, but he wasn't sure if they were dead or not. He shot at a few more raiders before he ran out ammo. Having know way to fight back, he just sat behind the barricade until DC security managed to make the raiders retreat. He went back inside to see a dead raider and a young boy crying over the body of what John can only assume is his father.

  He went up to the young boy and knelt down in front of him in an attempt to console him. The boy looked away. John comfortingly said, "Hey, it's fine. It's perfectly okay to cry and be emotional in a time like this." The boy looked up at him and said, "He's dead. My father is gone and I don't know where my...," The boy stopped talking. John asked, "Where what is? What's missing?" The boy started, "My...sister...she's...gone. I thin she w-was outside the gate." The boy then had a look of terror on his face. "What if the raiders took her?" John looked at the boy at said sternly, "Then I'll go get her back." He got up and left the city, making sure to grab a raider's 10mm pistol and some extra ammo on the way out. He wasn't going to let anyone get hurt. 

As John got to the edge of the Diamond City Safe Zone, he started to think. "Ok, they went this way, but where did they go. They could be holed up in a building somewhere. They could be going to their camp if their's one nearby." He continued walking North as he neared the broken bridge with a shipwreck under it. He smelt smoke, but couldn't see any as it was daytime. He ignored it and kept walking over the bridge, but stopped when he heard voices. "Listen, we have the girl, all we gotta do is trade her for ransom." The first voice said. The second voice asked, "Can't I have a little fun with her?" There was another voice, this time a girl's. "No you won't" HELP!!! ANYBODY!!!!" By this time, John was watching. The first one slapped her. "Shut up, girl. No one is coming to save you." John silently said aloud, "He's wrong about that." Just then, he heard the cock of a shotgun behind him and another voice. "Actually, he's right. No one's gonna save her. Of course, you'll be too dead to prove him wrong." 

John put on his best smirk and said with the utmost cockiness in his voice, "Actually, I am going to prove him wrong. Too bad you won't be alive to see it." He kicked backwards into his opponent's knee,then spun around and knocked the shotgun out of his hands.o He took his pistol out of his holster and fired three shots into his opponents chest. His opponent fell backwards and he turned back into cover as raiders came to fight him. He kept track of the bullets he had left. "12 left. Let's make em count." He came out of cover and shot three more bullets. Two of them each went into a raider and the third hit a shipping container. "Damn, that's one wasted. 9 left." He moved forward into cover and waited for a raider to come close to him. He came out of cover and kicked the raider in the shin, then grabbed him and used him as a human shield while he shot a raider in the head. He then shot the raider he was holding he was holding in the head and went back into cover. "8,7." He took a quick head count and saw that there were only four raiders left. He came out of cover quick enough to unload three rounds into a raider then went back into cover. "4 left." He left cover to shoot a raider, but his gun was shot out of his hand and fell into the water. Luckily, the shot he had got off ricocheted into a raider. He went back into cover and checked his hand. The bullet grazed his thumb and removed a few layers of skin. He noticed the dead raider next to him and took his shotgun. 

One of the last two raiders came up towards John's cover ready to kill him. John thought in his head, "3...2...Now" He came out of cover and shot the raider right in the head. He went back into cover and glanced out at the last raider. He was wearing much different clothing than the others were. He appeared to be wearing some sort of riot gear, helmet and all. He didn't have a weapon, so he would have to go hand to hand. He jumped over his cover and lunged at the raider, who sidestepped him, causing John to stumble. John quickly recovered and attempted to slash the raider with his knife, but the raider easily countered and disarmed him. The raider held him up against the wall choking him. John started to turn blue as he was being strangled to death. . 

He thought of his sister and how much it would hurt her for him to die like this. Then he remembered who he was here in the first place. He had made a promise to a little boy. It was a promise he intended to keep. He mustered up all the strength he could and used his legs to push himself off of the container. As he started to fall forward with the raider falling backwards, he jerked his knees up as quick as he could and kneed the raider in the chin, making him let go of John. John hit the ground and rolled away from the raider, who was slowly recovering from John's actions. John coughed trying to catch his breath, but had to cut himself short as he saw the raider getting up. He got up and the raider swung at him. He countered it and spun the raider around. In the process, he kicked the raider in the back of the shin, making him fall to his knees, making him the perfect height for John to put in a choke hold. He squeezed as hard as he could, then started to think about how to end this. He knew how to, but he didn't know if he could kill another human being in cold blood. He looked at the girl at mouthed, "Look away." She did and John twisted real hard, snapping the raider's neck. It was over, he had won. He walked over to the girl and said, "Hi, my name's Johnathan Salvatore, but you can call me John." She looked at him. "My name's Emily. Emily Patrova." John told her about what happened to her father and she cried a bit before saying. "You should probably be getting me back." John said, "Yeah, but wait a minute. Something I need to do." He drug the raider into a shipping container and closed the door. 

A few minutes later, John emerged wearing the armor of the raider whose neck he had just snapped. He held the helmet at his side and his the pistol holster on his right hip contained a Gold Engraved Desert Eagle that was chambered in 357. Magnum ammunition. He said, "Okay, let's go." They walked back to Diamond City and Emily hugged her little brother while people gathered around to see that Emily was okay. Her father had been the mayor's personal guard, so people knew their family. Many people asked John who he was. That question made John think about his life and who he really was. He stared down at the helmet and thought of his father, who had been considered a hero before his murder. He thought about the legacy his father left for him and the shoes he had to fill. He looked over at the weapons store and saw a sniper rifle hanging on a display rack. He walked over, taking a handful of caps out of his pocket and setting them on the counter while placing his helmet down. He took the sniper rifle and put it on his back. He picked the helmet up with his leather gloved hands while someone asked him one final time who he was. He put the helmet on and responded to their question with two simple words. "The Ranger."     

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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