Chapter Two

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Master? With each answered question, a dozen more rushed in to fill the void. Anna wasn't sure what to make of any of what was happening.

"Your kind aren't welcome here, Allaire," Liam stated coolly before stepping forward to put himself between Anna and the trio.

"It's been a long time, Liam," Remy smirked, sauntering closer but making sure not to get too close. "I didn't expect to find you here and I'd be lying if I said I was pleased by this impromptu reunion. It does explain why Miss Allencourt disappeared so suddenly this afternoon. You have no idea how infuriating you are when you meddle, Liam."

"I'm sure it's nothing compared to the migraine I get just by hearing the sound of your voice," Liam replied nonchalantly. Despite his bored tone, Anna could feel tension radiating from him. Remy smirked and lifted his slender fingers to brush dark strands of hair from his eyes.

"As entertaining as this exchange has been, just give me what I want. I might even put in a good word for you when my master regains his freedom," Remy demanded, struggling to mask his impatience behind a thin smile.

"Listen," Anna interrupted at last. "I don't know who your master is, or... whatever, but he's not here. I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave."

Remy laughed, a soft sound that abruptly evolved into something akin to maniacal. "Liam, she certainly is precious. Perhaps the master will allow me to keep her when all is said and done. I'd so love the chance to see what makes her tick. What do you think, Liam? Is she a screamer or will she suffer in silence believing herself to be brave?"

Whatever Anna might have said died on the tip of her tongue the moment her eyes met with Remy's again. There was a darkness lurking behind the amusement that sent chills racing through her.

"I can assure you that you'll never find out," Liam shot back, his jaw tight.

Remy chuckled again. "Really, Liam, you need to lighten up. Now, Cassian, if you'd be so kind..."

The hooded figure to Remy's right, the one who had spoken earlier, stepped forward and held out his hand. From his fingers dangled a long, slender, silver chain and at the end of the chain a clear crystal swayed gently. Cassian began to mutter quietly under his breath and Anna swore she felt a soft breeze sweep through the room. The crystal began to sway, seemingly of its own volition, and after several seconds began swinging back and forth. Without warning the crystal stopped, suspended mid-swing and aimed in the direction of the kitchen.

Remy smirked and that's when Anna noticed it – the statue.

It was sitting upright in the doorway as though it had been purposely placed there. Anna knew it had to be more than coincidence because she had been holding the statue when the door had been blown off its hinges and it had gone flying when she had been knocked off her feet.

"There you are," Remy cooed, turning lightly on his heel. Before he could reach the statue, however Liam stepped forward. His hand swept through the air in a quick pattern and words were muttered that Anna couldn't make out. Remy bolted forward but didn't make it before the statue flipped into the air and soared right into Liam's waiting hand.

"Demulsi," he growled, sweeping his hand through the air horizontally. The splinters of wood scattered across the floor flew towards them. Liam used his free hand to shove Anna behind him. It was a pointless maneuver for the wood chips disintegrated before they could get close.

"Damn it," Remy sneered. Ariadne stepped forward, hands rising from the folds of her robe, but Remy held out his hand to stop her. "Don't. The statue has a protective spell in it, something to ensure it will come to no harm. Who knows what else has been done to it. Liam you are smarter than I ever gave you credit for, but how long do you really think you'll be able to deny me what I want? You and I both know that even an expertly crafted Clostrum will not hold my master for much longer. He's awake now, and restless, eager to be free of his prison--"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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