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A U T H O R ' S N O T E

We are all human.

We love, lose, cry, we smile and laugh and live our lives. Everyone's different – not everyone fears the same things, or love the same people for the same reasons – and this is important to remember. We are not all alike.

Sometimes, life is hard – maybe there are many reasons why, maybe there are none. Maybe you are just stuck where you are, not being able to help someone you love, or not being able to help yourself, or perhaps not even knowing what is wrong in your life, and you are wondering why you break down now, as though the whole world is going under, even though nothing is burning or shattering or melting down. Maybe you are simply afraid. To lose. To love. To have nothing, or wanting nothing, or gaining nothing.

We are all like that sometimes. And sometimes, all you need is a kind word. A smile. A hand on your shoulder saying "I am here", "I love you", "I support you". Other times, we find ourselves while looking for something else.

This book is about friendship. It is about love. It is about what you do when you lose love. This book is about crying, and hurting, and laughing so hard you're barely able to breathe, and it is about courage, and sacrifice, and about the deepest truths that lives inside each of us.

This book is about fear. And overcoming it.
This book is about magic.

This book is for you.



"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

- Sarah Williams



Aurora has never known her family. Raised by the widowed Thalia, now dying with some mysterious illness, Aurora has made it her mission to find a cure. Studying healing, reading everything she comes across regarding herbs and medicine, and at the same time trying to get a grip on her growing powers, Auri is working her hardest to save one of the only people in her life who accepts her for who she is.

What happens then, if what she wanted the most in the world was something that she alone can find, on a journey that might very well be the end of her?

Because of her powers, Auri is the only one capable to enter the realm of Darkness, the kingdom located at the other side of the river of Dawn, and she is tasked to save the life of the King residing here. Bran, the messenger, leads her through her homeland, across the river, and into a land so magical, so different, so filled with secrets and darkness, that Aurora has difficulties to comprehend it all.

To succeed, Aurora has to uncover the truth of a myth created many hundred years ago. She has to fight with the darkness within herself, she has to fight against fear and despair and hope, and she has to fight against time. Because when a king is dying, the fate of an entire magical realm, is falling, breaking. And while struggling with the task far too big for her to handle, Aurora finds love, and loses it, and learns to live with death circling her every step.



It was long ago my dear, and I knew little then. It could have been hundreds of years ago, and I was small. Everything around me was so much bigger than it is now.

          I won't tell her how it all happened. I won't speak of the nightmares or the hopeless dreams, or the way my future was ripped from my fingertips in a matter of seconds. I was just her age, and terrified, and she deserves a better start in her life. But she also deserves truth.

The shadows were darker and the nights longer. We used to sit by the fire, like you and I do now, trying to chase the coldness away.

          She has the right to know that the demons exist. And even more important – she needs to know that heroes exist. That the dragon can be slain. That light will always penetrate the darkness. I was just like her once, and she should be spared everything I went through.

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Valda...

          I pull her close, holding her tight and whispering the story. The night is dark still, so we have to be careful. Even our hushed voices could be heard, and I promised I would keep her safe. So I tell her the tale of Valda, teaching her all the truths of the world, hoping that one day she will have the wisdom to do what I didn't.

Once upon a time, there lived a girl with fire in her voice, a lion in her heart, and the entire world at the tip of her fingers.



This particular story has existed in my mind since I entered my princess-phase. I used to dream of this girl, dressed in rags and with only her skills and her heart, who won the trust of a dark prince, who saved a kingdom, and who didn't become a princess afterwards. She simply lived, maybe with the prince, but never in a castle of gold or glass, never in fancy dresses or eating fancy food. She was normal, someone I could relate to, someone who had losses, and flaws, and fears as real as anything. And slowly, but surely, the story of Aurora was born.

It has come a long way since I first started dreaming about this faraway kingdom, but the essence is the same – this book is about truths I believe in, transferred to another universe, another reality. Another me.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to a plot or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, and not intended by the author.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the owner/author and publisher of this book. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

s t a t u s:

Ongoing (Started november 2016)
The chapters of this book were written as part of NaNoWriMo 2016. 

d i s c l a m e r:

I do not own the quote written above - all rights goes to the respectful owner.

I do not own the picture used on the cover - all rights goes to the respectful owner.


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