Chapter 1

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This is my first ever Kellic fanfic so I honestly have no idea how it's gonna turn out but who knows it might be good so you should all read it:)

Vic's POV:
"Dude seriously you have got to find someone! It's driving me crazy seeing how bored and single you are!" My younger brother Mike says to me.

This is literally the first thing he has said since the four of us who's here got here half an hour ago. Most of the time has he spent sucking faces with Tony or kissing his neck.

"Well it's not really easy finding someone when the only other gay people in school are you two," I mutter. I'm being boring as fuck to hang out with and I know it but there's not really anything I can do about it. I haven't had a boyfriend in two years and now that I'm seventeen the sexual frustration is starting to drive me crazy.

"What about that new guy? What's his name, Kellin?" Tony ask and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Is he even into guys? Has he told you that after going to our school for a week?" I question.

"Well no he hasn't told me, I've only talked to him once. But my gaydar beeps pretty loudly when I see him," he says with a shrug.

Jaime snorts from next to me, causing me to roll my eyes. I swear, these guys. I sometimes really wonder why I'm even friends with them. I excuse myself to the restroom even if I don't really have to go, I just need to get away from the three losers that now are giggling messes because of the fact that Tony used the word "gaydar" I guess this is one reason to why underage drinking isn't actually the best idea.

I open the door to the restroom only to be met by a sight that I definitely didn't expect to see. Kellin. He's sitting on the floor by the window with his back leaned against the wall. His hair is far from styled and he's holding a half empty bottle of vodka in one hand. What the fuck is going on here? Every time I have seen him in the corridor at school he seems so cheerful, there's always a smile on his lips and his eyes always seem to sparkle.

"Hey! Vic, right?" he asks when he notices that I've walked in.

"Um, yeah" I say and walk closer to him. I kneel down in front of the boy and now that I get a closer look at him I see that he really looks different. The usual smile on his lips isn't there and his eyes aren't sparkling the same. They look tired, Kellin looks tired.

"Kellin, are you okay? What are you doing drunk in a public restroom all alone?" I sit down completely on the floor, trying not to think about how dirty it probably is.

"My parents are out of town so they won't even notice that I've left the house. I don't know I just felt like getting drunk and forget everything for a while," he says with a shrug like if a seventeen year old sitting drunk on the floor of a public restroom is something totally casual.

"Forget what?" I ask but just as I do I regret it immediately, that isn't really any of my business. I don't even know Kellin, even if I wish I did. I feel like he's the kind of person that there is a lot to know about.

"Forget the pain, the problems, the white room and the look on my parents face's when I woke up from my latest suicide attempt," he rambles and I hear a gasp. Kellin lifts an eyebrow at me and I realize that I was the one who gasped.

His latest suicide attempt. Has he tried more than once? Is that a question I can ask him? I gulp before asking with an unsteady voice.

"Have you tried more than once?" I ask and it's not until now I feel my own wet tears rolling down my cheeks.

Kellin nods his head and without even thinking about how he'll react to my actions I reach forward to take the bottle away from him and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. Kellin doesn't seem to mind me hugging him, at first he sits completely still, not moving a muscle but then he finally hugs me back and it's like my stomach does a flip.

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