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No one on the Shohoku High basketball team had ever been to Rukawa's house, so when the ace invited them over for 'a small get-together because my parents insist', everyone clamoured to come. After all, it rumours were rife that Rukawa was a spoilt rich kid living in one of the manicured mansions at the edge of town, and no one on the basketball team wanted to miss out on this somewhat historic moment. When else was the quiet ace going to invite them over? The guy was pretty introverted, barely saying anything (unless it was on court, or to insult Sakuragi), so this was a breakthrough for him, and a once in a lifetime chance for the rest of them.

So that Saturday, everyone gathered to walk to Rukawa's place together. An excited chatter among the members ensued.

"People say he lives in one of the big houses at the edge of town..."

"Yeah, that's what I heard! Apparently he's rich..."

"Feh, that kitsune? Rich? He probably lives under a bridge, for all we know." Sakuragi interjected, then laughed loudly.

"I heard that his dad's a huge businessman."

"Akagi, are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Shut up, Mitsui. I know what I'm doing."

"I wonder why Rukawa-kun suddenly invited us all to his house...?" Haruko said, a sheen of blush on her face.

"Well Haruko-chan, don't you think it's nice of him? Rather than him just thinking about sleep and basketball, I think it's a good thing for all of us as well. Bonding as a team!" Ayako put an arm around her new junior and smiled.

"Aya-chan is definitely right!" Miyagi nodded.

"Okay, team, we're here." Akagi announced, stopping in front of a normal-looking house. An orange and white striped cat looked at them from its perch on the wall.

Mitsui looked at their captain, narrowing his eyes. "Are you sure, Akagi?"

"Yep." Kogure, ever the peacemaker, pointed to the name on the wall. Rukawa. "We're at the right place."

Akagi was already at the front door, ringing the doorbell. The door opened, revealing Rukawa dressed casually in a T-shirt and jeans.

"Hello, captain." Rukawa nodded at Akagi. "Hello, Pumpkin."


Rukawa knelt down and picked up the meowing orange and white striped cat that had been lounging on the wall earlier.

"Come on in, everyone." Rukawa cuddled the cat and turned inside.

Everyone took off their shoes and followed their host inside. Contrary to popular opinion, Rukawa's house was pretty normal. There was nothing grand about it, though there was an air of upper middle class society, judging from the carpeted hallways and the Western decor.

"Mum, everyone's here." Rukawa called out, setting Pumpkin on the floor. The cat stretched out and reached for a yellow mouse toy nearby. A lady with long black hair that matched her son's appeared from the kitchen; a smile lighting up her pretty face.

"Oh, there's so many of you! Welcome, everyone."

"Thanks for having us, Mrs Rukawa." Akagi bowed his head.

"It's nice to see Kaede's friends. Come, let's get you all settled in the living room."

"I'm not that kitsune's friend." Sakuragi muttered under his breath. "Come to think of it, this is a pretty nice place." He looked around appreciatively.

"Not bad." Miyagi nodded. He glanced around. "So many cat toys."

"Oh!" Haruko gasped, as a pure white cat started mewling around her legs. "That tickles!"

Rukawa Kaede: Kitty CollectorWhere stories live. Discover now