#Hiruna Erina

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Adventurous days for HOMRA started again. Unlike the previous rules, HOMRA members are not allowed to hurt any Scepter 4. It should have been an avenue for the two clans to reconcile but they grew farther from each other. They evaded one another and decided not to have anything to do with them.

HOMRA bar...
Kusanagi kept circling around the table. "You're going to make me throw up. What are you thinking of? You're not that type", Yata teased. "Yata...uhmm... Have you seen Erina around?", Kusanagi asked. "Not really", Yata answered while lying on the couch. A lady entered. Her hair is as blonde aa the sun. "Good day, Seri", Kusanagi greeted. "What would be your order?", Kusanagi asked. Awashina gave her order. "You're spacing out", Awashima noticed. "My precious daughter is missing. I cannot contact her or even have any hints where she could be", Kusanagi sighed. "Then...why are you just here?", Awashima asked. Kusanagi showed a picture of Hiruna on his phone. "If I'll post her picture like this...then I might not really be able to have her back again!", Kusanagi whined. "Kusanagi... What about a trade?", Awashima clasped her hands together. "I'm afraid of those stares", Kusanagi sighed. "Scepter 4 is shorthanded right now because of the Slate and even the Jungle movement. We'll look for Hiruna but ask the Red to give a hand", Awashima tried to negotiate. "I'm afraid I wont be able to do that", Kusanagi left the counter and headed out.

Warehouse beside the port...
Hiruna woke up. The floor was cold and even the surroundings. It was a bit dark and only rays of light enters through the holes of the walls. "Good morning, Madame", Yukari greeted. "Why? We went all the way here just to catch some wimpy looking girl", a green haired boy complained. "Stop complaining Sukuna. Her worth is 60,000 points, remember. And that made you rank 3.", Yukari reminded. "Tch", Sukuna had a closer look at Hiruna. "Who in the world are you?", Sukuna grabbed her cheeks. He withdrawn and stepped back. "So that is how women's skin feels like", Sukuna said in disgust. "What do you need from me?", Hiruna asked. "We need nothing. We just want you dead", Yukari bluntly said. "Having you dead means...we can rule the entire Slate", Sukuna explained. Sukuna activated his scythe. Hiruna stood up and tries to look around for escape routes. Hiruna closed her eyes, anticipating for her to be hit.

Sukuna was about to swing it but he was the one thrown away. "Why am I not invited?", Hiruna was shocked with the voice. "Yashi..ro Isa..na", she stuttered and looked at the guy's back. "I'm back. Hiruna", Yashiro turned and smiled at her. Kuro and Neko are fighting the two while Hiruna and Yashiro escapes.

Night time. At the city's circle
Kusanagi was still searching for Hiruna. He was tired so he lit up a cigarette and sat at the bench. "Erina", he whispered to the wind. Fushimi happened to pass by. He is still on his uniform. "Oh, Fushimi-kun. Have you-", Kusanagi was cut off when Fushimi clicked his tongue. "If you're looking for that girl... She's probably with the Green clan. She once messed up with them", Fushimi informed. "No way", Kusanagi was about to run when Hiruna was already standing in front of him. He was startled enough to fell on his feet. "Geez. You're overreacting", Hiruna laughed. Fushimi left the two.

The Next Day at Scepter 4
Fushimi enters Munakata's office. "Fushimi. Any reports?", Munakata asked. "It's a case of a civillian being kidnapped by the top player of JUNGLE", Fushimi answered. "Interesting. Is it about love affairs", Munakata teased. "It's still unknown", Fushimi answered. "Then maybe some kind of obsession?", Munakata asked again. Fushimi cleared his throat. "By the way, what's your order?", Fushimi asked. "Investigate...and I want the mission to be done in secret. And the person who most suit it is you, my hidden weapon user", Munakata orderded. "Ah...never let Kusanagi know about that", Munakata added.

Fushimi went out of the room. He changed his clothes into regular ones. Grey sweatshirt and jeans.

After class at the Cafe...

Hiruna changed into her maid outfit and went outside the locker room. She roamed around and saw someone with the menu covered on his face. "We recommend jasmine tea for stressed customers", Hiruna suggested. "Then I'll have one", Fushimi lowered the menu. Hiruna was startled to see him. "You're off duty?", Hiruna asked. "Uhm", Fushimi nodded. "I really nevee thought you had one", Hiruna smiled.

She bowed and went to get Fushimi's order. The rest of the workers are squealing over him. "Can I be the one to serve?", one asked. "No, can I?", another asked. Hiruna faked a laugh and just let them do the task. Hiruna watched the guy read newspaper and checks his phone. "How I wish I have his number", Hiruna pouted on herself. He wasnt the type of person to wait for a date but he was there for almost 2 hours. Hiruna went to check on him. "Are you waiting for someone?", Hiruna asked. Fushimi just nodded. Hiruna was dishearted. "Who might it be so we can prepare once she's here?", Hiruna tried to catch the guy. "I actually dont know what she likes", Fushimi suddenly said. Hiruna's heart is being crushed. "Then what about sweet things. Girls probably would like some", Hiruna suggested. "Then..do you?", Fushimi asked. Hiruna stiffened. A lady sat in front of Fushimi. It was apettite girl with attractive clothes and face. "Did you hit your head now?", the girl humphed him. Hiruna stepped back. "Oh, I want some chocolate chips and...blah blah blah", She demanded a lot of food. "Are you sure you can eat that much?", Fushimi asked. The girl humphed her again.

Fushimi stared at his cousin, Aya Oogai. "Stop staring at me like that", Aya threw her bag on Fushimi's face. "Idiot. You're actually destroying your image on public", Fushimi sighed. "Why did you call me here?", Aya asked. "I have a negotiation to make", Fushimi smirked.

End of the chapter..

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