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Minseok's first heartbreak happens when he was 8.

Minseok loves his brothers, but his mother loves them more. Minseok clearly remembers when Jongin and Jongdae were 14 and he was 8, his mother had just recently bought a video game console, which was a Play Station 2. The twins being the oldest, started playing the game without sparing a single glance toward Minseok, as he sat on the floor watching his older brothers playing. He nudged Jongdae's leg with his tiny hand as he pleaded to his brother with his big brown eyes. Jongdae glared at Minseok and pushed him away while shouting,


Minseok wasn't even surprised when he saw his mother running down from upstairs, shooting a glare at Minseok, then leaning down to kiss Jongdae to calm him down. His mother gritted her teeth as she pulled Minseok's ear and locked him in a dark room overnight. His ear burning and his heart aching. He clutched his chest as he told himself over and over again that it's not his fault. Minseok cried himself to sleep and learned his lesson. His mother didn't love him.

Minseok's twin brothers always had everything they wanted. While Jongdae always made Minseok's life hard, Jongin didn't even acknowledge his existence anymore. It hurt because Minseok always tried to please his brothers. Minseok learned the hard way to accept his life for what it is.

Minseok's father died when he was 6. Before his father died, his life was perfect. His mother would always kiss him on his forehead every day. Jongin and Jongdae always took him to the playground and played soccer with him when they had the time. But everything changed when his father died, and they blamed him. If only he didn't throw a tantrum in the car. If only he was smart enough to figure out that it dangerous to disturb his father while he was driving. He killed his father. He deserved to be treated as a criminal in his own home. His mother barely looked at his face, Jongdaes eyes filled with nothing but despise and hatred toward him.

Luhan becomes his best friend through default. They're seated next to each other throughout elementary, and Luhan carts Minseok around like a handbag in middle school. Minseok accepts this friendship because Luhan is all he has. Luhan's the one who noticed him and looks at him like he is a precious gem. Minseok never thought he was special. He was quiet, introverted and a failure.

''Why do you always... look so sad, Minseok?"

"Because life is such a bitch, obviously."

"You want a candy?" Why would I want a candy? It's not like I'm a child. Minseok stares blankly at Luhan as he shakes his head.


"Then stop crying! Smile. I promise it'll get better." Minseok raises his eyebrows upon hearing such a statement, then touches his cheeks just to find them wet. He let a deep sigh escape from his lips.


"I promise Boazi." Luhan pinches Minseok's cheek before wiping his tears. Minseok thinks he found someone he would treasure for a lifetime.

Mr. Puff is Minseok's greatest treasure in the world, because it was the last gift he received from his late father. Minseok caught Jongdae ripping apart his most treasured plushie when he got home from school one day. Without thinking, he pounce on Jongdae and landed a punch on his brother's jaw. Being older and bigger, Jongdae pushed Minseok on the ground and started beating his body to a pulp. Minseok covered his face with his arms and groaned when Jongdae kicked his ribs.

"You should die. Why are you still shamelessly breathing and wasting every penny of his money for your education when you fucking killed him, you BASTARD?"

"I'm sorry, hyung please stop!"

"Your apologizes aren't going to change shit and won't bring him back!"

Jongdae charges, face contorted with rage as he leaps and tackles Minseok to the ground. Fists fly and their bodies roll around. But Jongdae ends up on top, punching while screaming, "I fucking hate you!"

Eventually Jongin comes barging into Minseok's room and pulls Jongdae away to stop him from killing his own brother.

"What the fuck, Dae! Calm the fuck down."

"Let me go, Jongin! Just let me finish this piece of shit for good!"

A loud echo rumbled across the room. Jongdae shocked as he held his left cheek, Jongin was furious as he clenched his fist.

"What are you, twelve? He's your own blood brother for fucks sake. JONGDAE! KILLING HIM WON'T BRING OUR FATHER BACK TO LIFE, IDIOT!"

Minseok was stunned. His lips curled into a small smile before he broke into a fit of laughter as his body trembled from the pain, catching both twins' attention.

"This is the best joke I've heard since I woke up this morning." Minseok muttered under his shaky breath as he held his tummy, the words not going unnoticed by the twins.
He climbed onto his bed and approached the window near it. The twins watching every movement Minseok makes like a hawk. Minseok opens up his window, letting the cool breeze inside his room, as he flashes his lopsided smile to his brothers.

"Would it reduce your hatred toward me if I killed myself instead?"

"Yeah, fucker. Go die." Jongdae retorted back, as he snorted.

"You can't be seriou-"

Minseok jumped from his window before Jongin could even finish his sentence. Jongdae's knees buckled in fear and his legs gave out. "It's t-the second floor- Oh god Minseok..."

The only thought spinning in Minseok's mind is, he's finally free. The only thing he feels before everything blacks out is pain.

Jongin runs as fast as lightning to the first floor, just to be met with a pool of blood forming under Minseok's head outside his house. He saw his mother with a stunned expression as she bore her gaze on Minseok's body.

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