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10 hours earlier

Minseok was running late to school because Jongdae was once again throwing a tantrum about wanting his favourite breakfast. Minseok really tries his hardest to please his brother, but there is always spilled coffee on the once clean floor, dirty plates piled up in the sink when he was sure he’d already washed all the dishes last night before he headed to bed. Minseok knew he was going to be late, but he was still doing everything he could to make up for the mistake he did to his family. Jongdae and Jongin were already in their 3rd year at university, both of them attending the same one, while Minseok was still in high school.

Minseok ran to his school as fast as he could. With his short legs, it seemed rather impossible to be able to get to the school on time. When he finally reached the school gasping for breath, Minseok’s school uniform was soaked with sweat. Minseok groaned slightly at his now damp uniform as he made his way to his classroom. As soon as he saw Luhan, Minseok’s lips curl into a big lopsided smile, but it quickly vanished when he hears what Luhan says.

“Minseok? What’s with him?” Luhan mutters, while he glanced at his watch without sparring a single look at Chanyeol, who was sitting on his desk. Neither boys seemed to have noticed Minseok’s presence in that class.

“Aren’t you his best friend?”

“That freak is not my friend, you idiot.” Luhan looks rather bored. He supports his head with his hands as he stares up at Chanyeol from his desk, and Minseok hears something shatter inside him.

“But I always see him sticking to you like a leech after school?”

“He’s sticking to me. Not the other way around.”

Walking to the second seat in the back that's empty with heavy steps, Minseok sat down and looks out of the window. He’s sitting at the back, by the window holding in his tears that threaten to fall. It was at that moment, he figured out why Luhan never spared him a glance while in their class, why he never wanted to eat lunch with him. He was so stupid. He thought Luhan was his friend. Minseok never asks for anything in this world. He accepts everything the way it is. Why is his heart aching so badly right now?

Minseok’s world was filled with darkness and Luhan was his light, his only friend. When Jongdae tripped him and he fell down the stairs, he went to Luhan, and Minseok’s world lightened when he saw Luhan’s beautiful smile. Luhan would always talk animatedly about his favourite figures Iron Man. Minseoks favourite person will always be Luhan. Looking back, he never felt loved or treasured or overly happy. At the time, he had just been thrilled that someone like Luhan wanted, or so he had thought, someone as plain as him.

Right after the bell rang, Minseok stepped into the bathroom only to be greeted with Sehun doing his business. Sehun looked angry, really angry when he watched Minseok walk hesitantly to the furthest pissoir away from him.

Minseok learned to keep his mouth shut. He learned that there was no use in him screaming out for help because no one will even turn their attention to him. Minseok learned that it’s useless to try your best because you don't get the praises you deserve. It only brings pain and sorrow, anger and frustration.
Minseok is a human being like everyone else, but he can hide pretty well in crowds, in class, and lock away the thoughts he so desperately wanted to voice out.

When the first push came, Minseok didn’t even flinch. He stared at Sehun with a raised eyebrow, but didn’t say a word when Sehun kicked him in the stomach.  Sehun wrapped his hand around Minseok’s neck and Minseok felt the air getting thinner and thinner until he couldn’t breathe. Minseok clawed at Sehun’s hand and started kicking his side. Sehun was getting furious as he slammed Minseok’s small body to the ground. He punched and kicked Minseok to the ground, spat on his face and dug his shoes into Minseok’s ribs without even saying a word.

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