waking up.

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A sound pierces my subconscious, bringing me out of the deep sleep I was so heavily involved in. I let out a involuntary groan, signifying just how indulged I was in the slumber. The sound that broke this rest was not totally perceived by my restless Brain at the time of breaching consciousness, all but making the cause a secondary priority. As I begin the often tedious, and unpleasant process of shifting my body out of the sheets and onto to the carpeted floor, i feel something stop me. What. Confusion only lasts a second before I feel something poke at my face, followed by the self admittedly annoying, but none the less, adorable voice I've become accustomed to, "baaaaaaaaaaaby" she prods my nose with her finger once again, "opeeeeeen yooooouuur eyes" her warm finger brings a reluctant mix of comedic cuteness to the situation, "ar-are you sitting on me?"
The words interconnect with a yawn as they escape my lips, "I don't know," she giggles in between words, "why don't you find out." At this point a smile has plastered itself across my face, she's just irresistible. I attempt to reform my actions from earlier by shifting my body so I can hide it from her... It's to no avail. Questioning her is the only option left for me, "Babe, why are you sitting on me? We're gonna be late for school if you keep this up." The vibrations of her chuckle resonate where she's sitting, "well, mister know it all, can't you think of any reasons that would correlate?"
Her fingers start sliding through my messy bed head, she's trying her best to act adorable, and it's doing her wonders. I silently lay there with my eyes shut, as predicted she takes this as a cue to continue, "oh, look at that," she teases "mr. smart ass can't think of anything." Wanting to return the banter, I try to formulate a response, but my mind goes blank. Looks like I have no choice but to take this, "here's what's gonna happen, you're gonna open your eyes. I'll stay like this till you do" I'm gonna have to concede if I want the option of being on time. My eyes flicker open, it doesn't take long for them to adjust. The blurriness fades as I finally see what She was talking about. Her pale, round ass was only a foot away from my face. I stifle a chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, while simultaneously blood rushes to the tip of my dick, making it rock hard, "really?" I ask.
She's now stifling her laughter, "yes!!! You said we would try this at some point!"
Refutation was pointless, all I could do was gaze up at her hovering ass, occasionally it would twitch, making it jiggle slightly, the ripples made me even more excited. She takes advantage of this fact, and triumphantly continues, "what better time to do it then in the morning???
This way I get to be pleasured before class, which you know helps with my anxiety, and you get to enjoy the fact you assisted your girlfriend!"
In a futile attempt to try and explain how this would not work, I begin to stammer "B-babe, I- look, we both know th-". Her hand is now pawing at my erection, this interrupts the thought process I was already struggling maintain. She can clearly see the outline of my hard shaft, and was going to tease it until I gave into her demands, "weeeeeellll" she says  in voice that gave off the essence of talking to a small child "your friend here doesn't believe our  little activities will make us late"  her nails gliding across the protruding fabric.
"tell me, baby, if the thought of licking my ass repulses you so much, why does it get you so excited?" I'm stunned into silence. She has never had this much confidence with me in the bedroom. My will is running out, she has me convinced. I don't want to give her a victory of it, she knows I'm excited, she doesn't know I'm absolutely entranced. I desperately cling on to the point of being late, "If I miss class again I'm going to have to serve detention! We have to go, Love" I rehearse in my head. The words don't even coat my lips before she decides that what's happening. Her ass lowers down, and presses against my mouth. The taste and smell are invading my senses, "see, isn't so much easier when you don't over analyze everything?"
She grinds her puckered hole against my tongue. Being under her ass, I can see it shake at a faster rate as the movement picks up. Obviously for comedic affect she adds, "don't worry, honey, I washed." Objecting is not a present thought as the overwhelming taste glazes  my tastebuds, it's dirty, sweaty, yet... Invigorating.
Her moans propel me to sync my licking with her movements. Each time her body slides down my face, another hard, loud moan manifests from her. They motivate me to try harder. I would give anything to hear one more sign of her pleasure. She lets them out in shorter, more rabid bursts, until I hear, "oooooooooooo myyyyy gaaaaawwwd baaaaaaby, I'm cuuuuuuUUUUUmmming" her entire body contracts, she arches her back, pushing her ass ever farther into my face. Her moans fade, but the pleasure is still coursing through her body. Lifting off of me, and rolling over next to me, she closes her eyes, holding a grin on her face. Still rock hard, I turn my head in an attempt to kiss her, "nooope" she says, putting a finger to my lips, "you just had somebody's ass in your mouth, do you know how disgusting that is???"
We both laugh. Doing what I couldn't do before, I shift my body out of bed and put my feet on the floor, "you owe me" I state, scoping the room out for a clean pair of jeans, "oh? Well... We can discuss that in the car." She jumps off the bed, and walks past me. Stopping right at the threshold of the bedroom door, she glances back "you coming, mr.know it all?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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