Pokemon - I'm Sorry... (Black X N)

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~Black's POV~

"Samurott use Hydro Pump!"

"Ru Outt!" Shouted the Pokemon as a blast of water came out of its mouth and hit the Watchog and it slammed against the rock making it a one hit K.O.

I smiled "good Job, Return!" I say as Samurott went back to its Pokeball.

It been two years since I deafted Team Plasma but... then I heard they came back! but some kid named White put them down again, I never thought the Unova region can change so much over the years it feels like Yesterday since I got my Oshawott from Professor Juniper and beat the Champion but those days are over... I never shown my face around anymore for some reason but I heard alot of things happend like Charen became a Gym Leader something I knew that would happen and Bianca became Professor Juniper's assistant, I never saw them in years either I think... I have to start new go on a new journey with a new Pokemon I heard of the Kalos Region and I want to go there but... something is holding me back.

I go further into the forest I am in, I heard of these places that are inside trees called Secret places or hidden places something like that sometimes you can find Pokemon in here or Items but I did not find anything yet other then that Watchog that attacked before, then... I hear a little sound coming from the bushs I perk up and take out my Pokeball on high alert until... I look carefully and see that its not a Pokemon... I hear more clearly and it sounds like sniffing? or.... maybe Crying?

I go near the bushs and take a close look, I cover my hand over my mouth trying to not gasp but... it was N the former Leader of Team Plasma that broke up two years ago, I never saw N... in two whole years... a little bit of happiness forms in me but a little sadness comes in seeing N laying on the ground with his hair covering his face crying...

"N?" I say quietly

He gasps and he looks up at me, "B- Black?" He manages to spit out.

We just stare at each for a few moments I see N's face tears and dirt all over him, how long was he here?

"I never---.... are you ok?" I asked with a little worry in my voice.

N shakes his head and puts it back down "Black... why are you here?" He asks.

"I was just exploring until... I found you" I answerd.

N sniffles a little "I thought I would meet you again... how are your Pokemon?"

"their doing good..."

N smiled to himself "thats good... I can trust you that your Pokemon are doing well... their with a great Pokemon Trainer because... I ever since I heard your Pokemon's voice two years ago... it changed alot for me"

I grinned I know N has respect for me but... he's still crying... "why are you crying?" I asked.

N sighed "Black... I want to apologize"

I scratched my head in confusion "apologize for what?"

"for two years ago... I was foolish into thinking Pokemon and humans can't be in Harmony... and thinking Team Plasma was right.... I... I... I'M SORRY!!" with that N broke into tears.

My eyes widen in shock, I never knew that calm N could just break into tears like that, I walked over to N and sat next to him.

I put my hand on his back began rubbing up and down, I start saying calming words to him "shh... its ok N...its not your fault... you were kid then... when your child you can believe what anybody tells you"


I frown... I felt guilty even though it was not my fault, I put my arms around him and he gasps like a high pitch girl.

"Wha- what are you...?" N asked in a little daze, a little pink blush took over his face.

"its ok.... N please... stop crying its ok..." I say.

"But... but Black I---" I kissed him on the cheek, N squeaks in surprise, My lips stay on his cheek for a little then I pulled away and I trailed my lips to his mouth, N kisses back slightly with eyes wide open, I pull away with my face bright red "N... I love you... don't cry please" I say with my voice cracking slightly.

I nuzzle into his neak and put my hand through his long green hair, N was blushing "Black... I never thought" N trailed off... "just... don't be sad, promise me" I say with a whisper, N's tears cleared up "o- ok I promise and... I love you too" N says as he wraps his arms around me, my heart was fluttering I smiled warmly "thank you N"

"your welcome..." N answerd



"I think I know why I did not leave the Unova region yet"


"because.... I loved you... and I missed you" I say with a blush.

N blushs as well "N... I want to start a new journey and befriend new Pokemon... will you come with me to the Kalos region?" I ask with a hoping tone.

"are... you sure thats ok...?" N asks shyly, N was always shy he never had any friends the only things he talked to were the Pokemon it broke my heart knowing that so... I can't let N be alone anymore... "of course its ok..." I say as I kissed his cheek, N smiled "then... I will come with you anywhere" then... he leaned down and kissed me.

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