Chapter 2

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~N's POV~

I smiled as I watched Black say goodbye to his Pokemon as he sent them in the PC Box to Professor Juniper.

"Alright Samurott I will be leaving for a little while but I promise I will come back" Black says as patted the Pokemon's head, The Pokemon gave sad eyes to its Trainer I knew that Samurott was going to miss Black but I also knew that Black never broke his Promises, I walk up to Black's partner and rubed the tip of its horn thats the way I show my communication to Pokemon, Samurott perked up and smiled at me and gave its last cry of happiness before Black put it back in its Pokeball.

"I'll miss you... my friend" Black whisperd

I put my hand on Black's shoulder "don't worry... the Professor will take care of all your Pokemon including Samurott" I say and Black gave me a grin "yeah... your right, so you ready for the plane?" Black asked and my heart droped PLANES?! "b- b- but B- Black I- I- thought you said th- that were t- taking a Ship to Kalos!" I shuddered out, I was deathly afraid of planes ever since I was younger I just always wanted to keep my feet on the ground and flying just... scares me... "whats wrong? you don't like planes?" Black asked, "I uhh... well you see---" Black cut me off "oh... I get it... your afraid of going in planes right?" I slowly nod I really have nothing to say, Black gives me a hug which makes me squeak "don't worry N I'll be there for you and plus Unova is not that far from Kalos" he states, ha! thats easy for him to say I just can't take being on planes.

I'm kinda surprised really... Black has no bags or packed anything just bought stuff from the Poke Mart heak! who am I to judge because I did not pack anything at all, I walk right to next Black gazing at the huge plane I gulp "finally! were to the Kalos region" Black says happily, my knees were shaking, I was about to say something to Black until... "Flash your tickets over here!" shouted the Conducter as he waved at the entrance to the plane, Me and Black walk up to him and gave the tickets and went inside the plane then it took off.

Plane high as can be and Me... I was holding Black like he was the only thing left in the world "N could you stop squeezing me..." huffed out Black, I blushed but I did not let go of him I was to scared "listen N just look at me... don't look out the Window... I promise things will be fine" Black says, I did not reply but I turned my head to look at his trusting eyes, I sigh and let go of him maybe I am over reacting... "sorry Black... I---" He cut me off "its ok... I understand" Black whispers as he put a hand through my

hair, I felt much more relaxed now  I put my head on Black's shoulder and fell asleep.

~Couple hours later~

"Hey N... Wake up were here" Black whispered as he nudged me awake which made me groan "ugh... huh?" I say, Black rolled his eyes "were here! in Kalos!" Black says, I gaze out the window this time not feeling scared, I see the Kalos region its beautiful... so much land, water and mountains, I see some bird Pokemon I never saw before fly through the clouds, I smile this going to be fun.

We get off the plane, "so... where are we?" I ask, Black gave a grin as he took out a Map "mmm... were... in the entrance Vaniville Town!" He says, I make confused face "Vaniville Town...? and since when did you get a Map?" I ask, Black chuckled "well when you were alseep the conducter was handing out Maps for the Kalos region and of course I took one, also Vaniville Town is the starting town of Kalos that is linked to Route 1"  Black finished, I blush feeling embarrassed "thats nice... so where are you going to get that new starter Pokemon?" I ask trying to change the subject, "Well I was prepared for that, I heard that the Professor's name was Professor Sycamore" He explained, "And your right" says a voice, Me and Black turned to see a guy in a lab coat with black hair walk up to us "Bonjour, I am Professor Sycamore" He states, I only laugh at his french "I understand you just got here?" He asks, "uh... yeah! my name is Black and this is N, you see I want to start my Pokemon Journey in Kalos" Black says, "mmm... I see So lets go to my lab! so you can get your new Pokemon" with that the both of us went to the lab and to my surprise it two towns away so were taking a cab. (don't know if I got that fact right or not).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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