Chapter 2-Arcanus

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Closing was always something that Zaria hated, seeing the club dark, with no one in it made the atmosphere something totally different. It made it cold, it gave it a haunted feeling she hated being there alone.Her imagination did nothing for her either, it always played silly scenarios of demons and ghosts popping out to kill her. She brushed that away, she knew how ridiculous that seemed she was a grown women, but never the less it always got to her.

She had just turned off the last light when she heard the door open She jumped and prepared for what her imagination had been telling her to watch our for "Sorry we're closed!" She called out to the stranger as she made her way around the room, towards the man.Again she was being ridiculous, she needed to calm down it was simply a strey customer wanting booz, go figure.. When their eyes met she couldn't control the gasp that left her lips, he was absolutely breathtaking, he was dark but seemed to glow all at the same time. She realized that neither of them had moved, she cleared her throat and shook her head "We are closed" she spoke again "We open again tomorrow at four" Her body and heart were screaming at her to not let this gorgeous man out of her sight, but to let him stay and that confused her.

She couldn't understand why she felt so safe and secure around him, she felt like nothing else in the world mattered, and that was concerning.

Zaria raced home , by the time she was finished brushing her teeth and combing her hair she was exhausted from all the mixed emotions she was having. There was no explanation to what had happened tonight considering she only had one drink and that had been nearly 4 hours ago. She drifted into sleep, feeling drowsy as her eyelids weighed heavy. He was tall and had a slim yet muscular build. She couldn't make out his face, but his eyes penetrated through her skin, He had bright blue eyes, the color of the sky, when he noticed her looking his direction he turned towards her, she froze, not understanding what kind of dream this was, His sleek black hair came into the light and she saw his face....He was beautiful! He flashed her a pearly white smile, and as she felt herself fall deeply in love with his chiseled features and distinguished jaw line, something changed! In an instant she felt fear, she looked towards the man as he walked away, she followed him through a door, "What is your name?' he turned and in an instant her romantic dream about some dreamy fellow she had just met at the club earlier turned into a nightmare, He flashed razor sharp teeth at her. "Run little girl, or I will kill you" Zaria gasped for air, she was covered in sweat her sheets were thrashed about and she noticed she had kicked off her blanket, "What a dream" she mumbled to herself. She was baffled at what she just saw in her dreams, something supernatural? Something only real to the imagination? It was 7:15 and she decided to head into town and get her shopping over with, her least favorite activity was food shopping, she decided to get that over with first.

Amayas was getting ready to crawl into bed just as the sun was rising. He closed his pitch black drapes and bundled up in his bed, not that he needed warmth from blankets, his body warmth was enough to keep an elephant warm. Unable to stop his mind from racing about what he experienced that night. His only thought was that it had to be that bartender that had started towards him before he felt the siring urge to rip out her main arteries. He tossed, and turned, unsure of what to do with this information. How could he ever return to that bar? If he ever saw her again he was unsure that he would be able to resist the urge. He decided it was best to stay away from that place since it was her work place, as long as he avoided her, he could control his urges to feed from this poor girl.

Zaria entered town, a huge city with hundreds of thousands of people, the thing she hated the most. Zaria was never one for much socialization unless it involved her doing what she loved best, and that was dancing in the spotlight. Big towns often reminded her of the friends and family that left her behind in her old home town. She did have one friend back home, but they lost touch when Zaria moved, she needed space for a while and besides she did make a few new friends here at the bar that was good enough for her until she could get her life back together. Her parents had abandoned her when she was only fifteen. A memory she did not like to relive. It was dark by the time she had finished all her errands and started dinner. She realized she forgot to grab pasta sauce for her Spaghetti. "Dammit" she mumbled to herself, i'll just run to the store real quick." She grabbed her keys to her 2005 cadillac, the only good thing her parents ever did for her was buy her a decent car before they went all batshit crazy and took off without her. As she drove down the street she felt an outpouring tinge of pain through her stomach again This time it felt stronger as if someone was twisting her guts in circles. "Ow Shit!" she groaned, unsure of what the heck was wrong her with her.. As she came to a stoplight she looked over to a bench facing the cemetery. A man was sitting untroubled as if he was paying his respects to the dead. 8:30 at night and a man was sitting alone in the dark she thought? That made her feel uneasy.. Before the light turned green the man peered over at her. She recognized him to be the man from the bar The one she had that unusual dream about. Who was that man and why was she having dreams about him? Were the intense pains connected to him? She reassured herself that maybe these last few nights she had missed out on more sleep than she thought. But her mind kept tugging at her telling her to go back to that spot and find out what was really going on, but was it safe? Something was pulling her back to that extraordinarily handsome yet dangerous man. And she wanted to find out exactly what it was.   

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