Dear Diary. June 23rd

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Dear Diary

I really need a better way to start this thing. Any who

Today was alright.
I went to school, went to work, went to bed. My life isn't too interesting.

Basically this diary entry today is more of a vent.
I 'painted my wrist' again tonight. That sounds better than what it actually is.
I pained my stripes.

It feels good but I hate myself for it. I know if my parents found out they would kill me.
I love my mother heaps. So much. But she isn't very affectionate. She doesn't understand. It also doesn't help that she suffers depression too.
Sometimes I feel like all of her problems are constantly compared to mine because we deal with them differently. It stresses me out

this may sound so stupid and ridiculous. But I want people to see them. Not people I don't care about of course, but my close friends. I want them to see it. Hug me and protect me until I feel okay.

I don't want to tell them but I want them to know.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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