June 23 2016

38 2 1

5:08 PM

Yay! I have a diary I can write on! These informations might be secret but I still think that it would be fun if I just don't keep them in. Maybe? I'm not really entirely sure about that. I just published the book "Know all about teens#1|ENGLISH" and i'm pretty proud of myself. I continued it in school(I go to a french school in Canada) so many other students kept on talking to me and I got deconcentrated and even wrote some parts of the book in french. It wasn't the best day because when I came home, nobody was there and I forgot my key. I started panicking and went in my backyard. I even started to try and unlock the door with a long piece of metal I was carrying in my bag

6:26 PM

Ewww... I just found out that crocodile and snake ice cream existed. XC.

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