Chapter 1

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Kageyama's POV

I was arranging a bouquet of flowers when he walked in. He was pretty short and and his hair was bright orange. He has been in ever day the past three weeks. I wonder who he comes and buys flowers for everyday, but I can't just ask him, it's none of my business. I'm curious tho. He walked around the store looking at different bundles of flowers.

"Can I help you find anything sir?" I asked from behind the counter.

"Umm, I'm looking for some flowers" he responded hesitantly, I chuckled at his response, it was just so cute.

"Well of course you're looking for flowers, this is a flower shop" I said smiling, he blushed a little. "Are you looking for a specific flower or maybe a specific color of flower?"

He thought about it for a moment "Well I'd like a bouquet with a lot of bright and vibrant colors."

"Follow me," I had him follow me to the back of the store where I had on display a few bouquets. He examined all the flowers very closely. The first bouquet had mostly pink flowers and a few purple ones to break up the color, he smiled at it and went on to examine the next one. The next was a bouquet of red, orange, and yellow tulips, he lingered at the tulips for a few moments longer after examining the last bouquet. The last bouquet was the most colorful and divers out of the three. He looked really hard at all of them once again before turning and looking at me conflicted.

"If you don't like any of these I can also take special orders and custom make one to you liking." I said to him because to be completely honest he is hard to read so I'm not sure if he likes the flowers I've shown him.

"No, that's okay I was just thinking about which ones she would like best but I was having a hard time deciding, I'll take all three." He told me. I was amazed. He's bought flowers the past three weeks for this girl and now in one day he is buying her three bouquets. Must be real love of something I have to admit I'm pretty jealous, he seems like such a great guy. I must have hesitated too much to respond be cause he was giving me a weird look. "Sir?" he asked.

"Yes of course, let me wrap them up for you, If you could follow me." I got the flowers and we walked back to the front of the store where i prepared the flowers to be taken. "She's a lucky girl to have a boyfriend like you." I said trying to make small talk but when I said the his face suddenly changed and he became very sad.

"Oh there not for a girlfriend, they're for my little sister. I'm actually single." He told me. He is single, why did he tell me he was single, did he want me to know he was single. Why do I care so much, I mean sure he is absolutely gorgeous and he had pretty eyes. I'm blushing, oh my god, why am I blushing. I better say something before he notices. "Well you're sister is very luck to have a brother like you." I gave him an awkward smile.

"She is stuck in the hospital, I want to make sure she is surrounded by beautiful things so she doesn't get sad" He said with a sad look on his face.

Seeing him sad kind of hurt me, how could someone so wonderful be sad. "I'm sure she appreciates all your efforts in getting her flowers" I smiled at him and handed him his flowers, he payed thanked me and left.

I could not get that orange haired boy out of my head for the rest of the day, what was it about him? Later that day we got some sunflowers in stock and it just made me think of him more, they were just so bright and they made me smile. I don't even know his name, why am i thinking like this.

I finished by work and went home looking forward to tomorrow when he would show up.

The Next Day

I walked to work with a smile on my face knowing that the cute orange haired boy would show up again. After I was at work for about an hour I heard the bell of the shop door ring and i looked up to see that little ball of sunshine although he looked really sad.

"Welcome, how can I help you today?" I asked and he looked up.

He gave me a half hearted smile "Flowers for by sister." he said bluntly. I smiled and went and grabbed one of the bouquets of large sunflowers I had made yesterday from the back. They don't officially go on sale till tomorrow but i think the would be perfect for him. His face Kind of lit up when he saw then.

"They're perfect, she will love them." He took the flowers and walked to the register to pay.

"They're on the house" I told him, he looked at me surprised.

"I can't let you do that" he objected.

"Really I want to" I smiled at him and handed him a get well soon card to add into the flowers. He smiled really big at me.

"Thank you so much.... I'm Hinata by the way, Hinata Shoyo." he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Kageyama Tobio." I smiled back. He thanked me one last time before leaving

Was it weird to give him flowers, I just really wanted him to smile. I wonder why he is always getting his siter flowers. He said she was in the hospital and he's been getting her flowers for over three weeks now. It must be pretty serious if she's been in the hospital that long. He must be a pretty good brother if he keeps buying her flowers. He is also really cute and now I also know his name.

Thoughts if Hinata filled by mind for the rest of the workday. I wonder if I should ask him out, but I don't even know what his sexuality is he could like girls for all I know but then again the worst that could happen is I could get rejected. Maybe tomorrow I'll ask him for coffee or something. As the day came to a close I left the shop and as I was locking the front door I heard someone calling by name and from distance I could see someone running at full speed towards me. That someone had orange hair, I only know one person with orange hair.

Hinata ran into me at full speed but that wasn't even the most shocking part. He hugged me, he wrapped his arms around my waist the second me came into contact. Not going to lie my breath was knocked out of me a little bit and before i could say something he began to talk.

"I gave those sunflowers to by sister, she smiled when she saw then, her whole face lit up. It's the first I've seen her simile, like actually smile in over three weeks." He was much shorter than me so I had to look down at him and there were tears in his eyes. I smiled at him and softly hugged him back. He squeezed tighter "I can't thank you enough." He said.

"How about to thank me you let me take you out for a cup of coffee?"

Well that is my story I hope you all like it, I will be updating it soon hopefully but you should totally leave a comment telling me what you thought of it and you should go check out by other stories. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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