Stuck in the Library with a Hot Jerk

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This is my second time posting a story, I hope you like it. I noticed how most people, including me :D :P, choose the stories that include hot guys, soooo yea this is my story, about me and a hot, uh I mean, MEAN, UGLY jerk stuck in Library . Well it might turn out good  I hope.

Stuck in the Library with a Hot Jerk

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!! YOU SPIN MY HEAD RIGHT ROUND!!! Ugh be QUIET, stupid alarm clock. I hit the alarm clock knocking it to the ground, oh well at least it shut up. Today was the 24th, Thursday. I got up from my warm bed to go to the bathroom. I longed to stay in bed all day and hibernate until New Year's Eve, but knew I would just get into trouble for sleeping too late. I let the icy cold water wake me up as I took my shower; once I was done I took the crimson towel and wrapped it around me. I dried and straightened my mahogany hair and looked in my mirror then peered inside my closet. I decided a pair of jeans and a regular shirt would be nice to go to the library one last time. I loved to read and couldn't survive without at least one book to read, while my family took a vacation trip to Peru and I stayed home to take care of things. They would leave tonight. I grabbed a pair of faded jeans and picked a coal black shirt with ivory lettering saying "GREEN DAY" and showed a pale hand holding a heart like a bomb.

This is what the shirt looks like if you wanna see:

I decided to take a jacket just in case it was a little frosty out there. "ARE YOU READY YET?" my sister yelled out. I liked her but she sometimes treated me like a pet more than a sister. She stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed. She looked very pretty, her wavy hair was let loose, her hair color was a chocolate color with a touch of gold in it. She wore a pair of jeans with a pink tank top saying "What Attitude?" She had a jacket on already.

"Wait I'm not done yet" I replied, my God I only woke up like five minutes ago!

"Well hurry up I need to go do some last minute shopping too, you know!" I could hear a bit of sarcasm at the end, I wondered why.

I scurried to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. Once I was done with that I walked out and put on my most comfortable shoes, which matched everything I wore.

Here are the shoes if you want to see them:

"Ok done" I said with a smile.

"Ok come on let's go, DADDY WE'RE LEAVING NOW OK? BYE!" she said happily, she was always glad to get out of the house. My mom wasn't home at the moment she was at work.

"ALLRIGHT, BYE!" he yelled with regret, he didn't like my sister leaving the house much.

We left the house and got inside my sister's brand-newish car. It was cherry-colored with a girlish touch to it. I got in quickly hoping we get there fast, because I take my time in the library. My sister was going to go to the mall while dropping me off at the library on her way. When she dropped me off and gave me a half-hearted "Goodbye" and my reply was the same. I looked up and looked at the sky for the first time, since I was in such a hurry to get in the car and get to the library. Most of the clouds were covering up the sky but I could see a glimpse beyond the clouds. It was the crack of dawn you could see a bunch of colors mesh together where the ground met the sun. I could see the scorching sun rising from its peaceful sleep and meeting indigo and mixing together to create a soft fuchsia. I better get moving unless I want to get run over. I stepped onto the hard concrete floor and examined the building. I've never been to this library before, it looked like it was made of glass that was all jet-black. I looked through the window to see what was inside or if there were people inside. To my surprise there were a lot of people, this place must be commonly known. There were a plethora of books inside, I could live here and never be sad again! They even had a snack machine and water fountains and iron elevators! This would take me all day. I looked for the schedule which would usually be on the door to see what time they close, but couldn't find one. I'll just hope it's open really late. I pushed open the door and was welcomed with a gust of warm air. I guess I wouldn't need my jacket, it was only cold outside.

I looked around me, the first thing my midnight blue eyes caught were a guy. He looked like Taylor Lautner but taller and with walnut colored hair and my height. He seemed about 16 or 15, boy did he look hot or what? Wait, wait back up a minute he seemed familiar, hmmm..............where have I seen him before...............I scanned my memory hoping for something, when suddenly...................HOLY CROP! I-IT- ITS THAT JERK FROM SCHOOL, there isn't one girl who he hasn't made out with yet except me and my friends. And I thought he was hot! What the hell was I thinking? I realized I was staring at him and quickly turned my gaze to something else. I saw a girl behind him, she had her hand wrapped around his waist, I looked up to see her face and noticed it was the school slut. She was the girl who had also made out with every guy except some of my friends. The queen and king players were together now, I distinctly remember their names. The guy's name was Duke and the girl's Trisha. Trisha has cheated on Duke many times so they have been on and off most of the school year, while when Duke was with her he wouldn't cheat on her. How wait, I mean.... NOT! :D....?

He looked disgusted with her- I don't blame him- hand wrapped around his waist. He tried to take her hands off while holding a book. I looked at the cover and saw two pale hands holding a blood red apple. I put on a what-the-fuck? look on because when has another guy ever looked at the Twilight Series By Stephenie Meyers? I decided to stop looking at the weird couple and look at the books. I walked over to a vacant section, and saw that the section was all about romance and mysteries. Wow what a coincidence, I LOVE mysteries and romances! And I can be alone too! I picked up a couple books that seized my attention and took them to an empty chair in this hollow section.

~~~~~~After looking at those couple* of books~~~~~~

I looked through the last of my books and looked at the time. Woah it's 1:00 o'clock already yea rite did something happen to my watch. I looked around and saw that no one was here and the security people were already outside locking it up. "WAIT!" I screamed. I didn't want to be left in the library, even though it wouldn't be so bad. Apparently the glass is sound-proof because they didn't move an inch. One of the guys looked up and saw me but just quickly, like half a second, looked back down. He whispered something to the guy next to him, and his eyes got wide but then they both started cracking with laughter. I was fuming by the time I reached the door but it was already too late, they locked the door and left. "WHAT THE HELL? LET ME OUT, YOU BOTH SAW ME, LET ME OUT!" But they weren't there to hear me screaming. I tried to think despite the fact that I was seriously really pissed off right now. I pulled out my cell phone and started to dial 911 but then was soon cut off because I didn't have a signal. I looked around me the lights were starting to go out. I saw a light switch next to the door and started to play with them. The lights all came back on, I looked outside but saw nothing except pitch-blackness. Then I noticed it was just something covering the outside from seeing what was inside. SHIT! What do I do? Idk what to do? I looked around the light switches hoping to see an answer pasted on the door. That's when I saw it, the thing I was looking for in the beginning, the schedule. I studied it and caught the only thing that mattered at that precise moment:

Thursday(Christmas Eve)- 12:00AM to 8:00PM

This Library will be open until Thrusday, Christmas Eve, and will not open until January the 2nd.

That was the day my family came back. They'll probably think I stayed at the library and will come home after they leave. And then call me when they get there, which will probably be by tomorrow. Oh, god. I looked around hoping to find an answer but my eyes fell upon a figure coming down some stairs which I didn't notice before. It was across the library from the elevator. I saw a pair of black sneakers, a pair of jeans, and a blue T-shirt coming down the stairs his hair looked so fluffy and neat. But his face was all contorted in anger, why? "What's all the racket?" Duke looked around and then noticed how I was against the door almost in tears."Oh" was all he said. His emerald eyes seemed to have a little pity in them but soon went back to anger and then confusion. "Where is everyone?" I cleared my throat and blinked back all my tears and said in a quiet voice " The library closed at 8:00 and the guards locked the door"

**** Well that's all I got for now plz comment any questions and vote if ya like it, I'll put up part 2 soon!****

Stuck in the Library with a Hot Jerk! :PWhere stories live. Discover now