{ iii. } Private Joy

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1983 Sunday, Minneapolis

     Once the vehicle that Michael and I resided in pulled up to a restaurant with a name I had trouble pronouncing in my head, I knew I should've began to protest. His curtsy to treat me to lunch, since time had passed so quickly after the uncomfortable car incident was nice in theory, but the last thing I really expected was various waitresses and waiters serving me dish after dish. Pastas to fish to steak to mash potatoes and broccoli — I couldn't finish it all.

    Judging by the lighthearted laugh that escaped Michael's mouth I could assume he noticed my difficulty with finishing all of it. It would be rude to not finish especially after he spent so much on a such a little incident. In all honesty, I would've been fine with a friendly drink in it's place and nothing more.

    "I can't do it." I groaned in agony after devouring an entire steak with mash potatoes and vegetables to accompany it. I barely could finish the pepsi in front of me without feeling like I was putting on another three pounds.

Michael laughed then took a brief sip of his own Pepsi, "I assume we're even then?"

I found myself smiling with eyes closed and nodded. "Yes. Thank you for this." I said, willing my limp eyelids to open.

Michael waved a hand. "It was nothing, I owed you. Plus it's nice taking to you." He revealed softly only to look down into his  cup quickly to avoid my gaze. His adorable actions emitted a gentle chuckle from my lips before I brushed a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

"You too. If you don't mind me asking why are you in Minneapolis of all places?." Michael looked confused at the question. "I mean, I love Minneapolis but if I could move I would. Why are you here when you could be anywhere?" I clarified for him.

Michael sighed. "Family stuff. My brothers want to do a final Jacksons tour but—" he shook his head. "I want to be on my own, you know?"

I nodded with empathy.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I love my brothers but that life is over and I'm doing my own thing now. Plus, the ticketing is completely unreasonable." Michael incredulously complained before taking another sip from his straw.

My curiosity enhanced. "How?"

"They — the marketing team came up with this insane idea for people to spend money on tickets, but you have to buy four and you don't know what show you're getting until it's too late." My eyes softened as I watched Michael grow heated over the subject.

He shook his head, "It's so unfair for people to spend all this time working to get money for one ticket only to found out that they have no other option but to pay for four to see the show."

After Michael explained the technicalities of it, I could see why he was so hesitant to involve himself in the tour to begin with. If I was a dedicated fan and finally saved up my money only to find out I couldn't afford it, I would be pissed too. But suddenly I realized the compassionate side to Michael that refused to do something if he knew it would hurt the fans who supported him. It made me internally smile.

"Just say fix the system, or I am not doing he tour." I advised with a shrug to my shoulder. The words sounded in good but even without knowing Michael's team, I could infer that it wouldn't be that easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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