Chap. 2

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Piper's P.O.V.

I started sobbing as Jason stomped out of my cabin and slammed the door.
"I hate you!" I screamed after him. "I hate you, I hate you! I never want to see you again!" I curled up on my bed and cried.
No, I thought suddenly. He's a jerk. He's never deserved me. Don't cry over him. Just go and talk to somebody. Annabeth. She's my best friend. She'll understand.
So I shakily stood up and headed out to the Athena cabin. I pressed my ear to the closed door and I heard muffled crying.
Something's wrong, my mind processed.
I open the door and I saw Annabeth crumpled on the floor sobbing.
"Annie?" I asked frightfully. Then she closed her eyes.
At first, I thought she was dead. But then I checked her pulse, and I realized she was only passed out.
Annabeth rarely cried. Something was wrong. I walked over to her and sat down. I cradled her in my arms, breathing in the scent of her hair.
    It was then when I noticed.
    Annabeth Chase was beautiful.
    My breath hitched as I played with her silky, blonde hair; caressing her soft cheeks; tracing my fingers over her neck and jawline.
    She was breath taking. I must have sat there for less than 4 hours. When I wasn't admiring her, I was on my phone or daydreaming.
    When Annabeth woke up (after my support) she looked like a confused puppy. It was so cute.
There was a time when Annabeth was changing so we could go have a girls night. I couldn't resist. I looked. It was only her backside, but I could feel something stir inside of me.
On the way to my cabin, I charspeaked the Harpies to give us Romeos, which I knew was Annabeth's favorite lunch.
But she barely noticed because she was so distraught.
Annabeth seemed to wince in emotional pain when I told her to spill.
With reluctance, she told me that she had a crush on a girl and when she told Percy she was bi, he broke up with her.
    "That no good sea sponge," I whispered angrily. "I'm going to rip off his eyebrows and offer them to Nemesis."
    Annabeth smiled slightly and sniffled. Then something ignited in her stormy grey eyes. They practically lit up.
    Seeing this, I blushed. Gods, why did she have to be so flipping adorable? Our moment was ruined when I remembered earlier today. I audibly sighed.
    "What?" Annabeth asked, concerned. "Oh my gods, what happened Pipes? Hey, don't cry."
    "Jason and I," I explained shakily. "Were having a fight. He called me some names. I shot back nasty responses." Annabeth urged me to go on.
    "During the fight Jason told me he knew something. He said he knew about my... Girl crush. And he got all mad that I was a lesbian.
    "Jason argued that I couldn't be a lesbian since I had dated him. And I told him I wasn't a lesbian. I was pansexual.
    "Jason, well, he's Jason. He doesn't get different sexualities. All his life, it's been 'straight.' So he got really mad and stormed out, saying we're done. I guess he thought that pansexual was like, a disease or something."
    I laughed bitterly.
   "Oh gods," Annabeth gasped. "I'm so sorry."
    "No, I'm sorry."
    "Piper. Your boyfriend just broke up with you."
    "So did yours."
    "I guess we can grieve together then."
    "Best friends forever."

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