Easy Tips to Help

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Here are some easy ways you could help any shelter or animal organization near you.

1. Towels and blankets: It wouldn't hurt going through your towels and giving up a couple that are old. They can be very helpful.

2. Food and treats: Food can be expensive and it would be awesome if you would ask them what food they take and donate a bag.

3. Bowels: Water and food bowels always help. But you might want to ask first. Depending on the shelter, they might have plenty.

4: Dog toys: Dog toys are always good to donate because they give them something to chew on. Not all last long, so it would be great to donate.

5. Leashes and collars: They could always use them to use on new dogs they might get.

6. Over all money donations can always help.

7. Paper towels

Look around you. It wouldn't hurt donating a couple things that you don't really need.

It wont hurt donating $10. Every dollar counts!

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