Huff Huff Hufflepuff! (my house)

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Well, first of all, our common room is right next to the kitchen so we can just be friends with the kitchen elves and BOOM FREE FOOD! 😉 Plus you are a great friend because you are loyal and true! Hufflepuffs are always so underestimates and people just say that's just where everyone else goes but THAT'S NOT TRUE! J.K. Rowling said herself that hufflepuff us her favorite house, plus Newt, the main character in Fantastic beasts, is a hufflepuff himself!

I just recently learned the Hufflepuff handshake, the video is above! Just watch the beginning, it's so cool because I actually LOVE mashed potatoes and potatoes in general! Anyone watch SoundProofLiz here?

"Those Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil" -Helga Hufflepuff

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