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The sunshine enters Luhan's window that make her blink several times. It's a typical monday morning, meaning, SCHOOL DAY.  What's with monday? Why some students hate it? Why some students are so lazy when monday approaches? But for Luhan this the most exciting day of the week. Why? Because, after the 2-day rest of students which is Saturday and Sunday, she really misses seeing her one and only, OH SEHUN. She 's aware that this guy of his life is sadly, TAKEN but she never loses hope. She believes that someday Sehun will atleast notice her. Sometimes, she imagined that she's the one who makes Sehun's heart skip a beat which means SEHUN'S GIRLFRIEND but never she think to steal him from Tiffany. She is happy as long as Sehun is happy. She is happy to see him everyday even from a far distance.

After a small daydreaming about Sehun, Luhan rushes to her bathroom to take a quick shower then wear her uniform and comb her precious honey blonde wavy smooth hair. Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror while uttering the word 'you're nice', she go down the stairs and greeted Mom and Dad.
"GOOD MORNING MOM and DAD" she greeted cheerfully and put a sweet kiss on their cheeks.
"What's with your morning Sweetie? Your so hyper" Her dad asked while reading a newspaper, chuckle can be heared escaping from his mouth.
"Dad,I'm always like this duh?" Luhan replied to her dad while puting and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
"Hon, let her be. Oh, let's eat our breakfastor else both of you will be late." Her mom interrupted the Dad-Daughter conversation.

After finishing their breakfast, Luhan bid her goodbye to her mom,as well as her dad.
"Bye sweetie, study hard. I love you" Her mom said and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Okay mom, i love you too." Luhan replied and she hop in to her father's car. The travel from their home to school takes 10 minutes because it is not that far she can walk when going to school but her farther insisted to bring her to school everyday. "Goodbye my little deer. Take care. I love you" her  said and hugged her. "Bye dad, keep safe. I love you too"she replied and hugged him back.

Luhan enters the school gate happily. She get her phone from her bag and texted her best friend BAEKHYUN.
To: Baekhyunnie :">
Hey, I'm here already! Where are you?

Luhan didn't wait for her Baekhyun's reply. She sat on a bench under the tree because that's their meeting place. While waiting, Luhan saw a group of girls screaming and giggling. She smiled widely because she knows what's happening........... OH SEHUN is here. She quickly grab her bag and run to where the group of girls are. She tip-toed a bit to see that gorgeous figure. Her smile is now as wide as the ocean upon seeing Sehun. 'Oh my..... jet black messy hair, tantalazing eyes, well-shaped nose, pinkish lips,sharp jawline, milky skin,broad shoulder and big uhmm... never mind' she tought to herself. She was back in reality when someone pulled her hair.
"OUCH" She groaned while rubbing her head. "You deserve that! you ditched me all over that SEHUN!" Baekhyun shouted while rolling her eyes, fortunately no one can hear them because the crowd disappeared already. "I'm sorry Baek, I just can't help it. He's just perfect. Jet bla....." before she can continue her sentence, Baekhyun interrupted her "Shut up! I'm sick of it. You already said hat a hundred times. So please! Chanyeol is more handsome than YOUR SEHUN, white teeth...." before she blurt out her thoughts it's time for Luhan to interrupt her. "Okay I get it! Blah blah blah whatever. Shut up!" Luhan shouted. Someone punctuated their little bff cute fight... Do Kyungsoo, their other best friend. The three of them are BEST of BEST Friends. "Stop being childish you two! Let's go to our class now" Both of them nodded and follow Kyungsoo because they can do nothing and they have no choice.

As all of them sit on their respective places, Mrs. Song enters the room.
"This coming Thursday and Friday, we will have our Intramurals." Mrs. Song announced.
'yes' 'oh my gosh we will see Sehun,Jongin and CHanyeol playing basket ball again' 'can't wait' 'I'm joining tennis' 'boring'
"Hey class! stop the commotion. I'm not done yet. As I've said earlier Intrams is on Thursday and Friday but it doesn't mean, I am not checking your attendance. You will be marked as absent if you're not around. Is that clear?"
"Yes ma'am" the students answered in chorus except Luhan.
Luhan can't concentrate because she's staring at Sehun, imagining that she's in Tiffany's place.
"Is it clear to you Ms. Xi?" Mrs. Song said madly.
"Y-yes ma'am. i'm sorry" she uttered
"STOP DAYDREAMING" The teacher yelled.
Luhan turned red because of embarrasment. The fact that their teacher caught her daydreaming.Little did she know,someone is holding his laugh.


YEY! First chapter! I know there are so many grammatical errors. Please approach me if you notice any mistake. I'm so sorry if it's lame :( I'll try my best in the next chapter. xoxo

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