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The three have their conversation on their phone while they're preparing for the ball tonight.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for tonight. I can't wait to wear my dress." Baekhyun squealed between the line while painting her nails with cuticle.
"Me too. I can't wait for Jongin's dance performance. He didn't allow me to watch his practice." Kyungsoo added while putting some stuffs on her face.
"Sehun is also like that. They will dance together, right Kyungie?" Luhan asked sight irritated because of the rollers attached on her hair.
"Yeah. But—I know, Chanyeol is not joining them." Kyungsoo answered.
They heard Baekhyun's heavy sigh. The two felt bad. Maybe Baekhyun was expecting.
"Yah! Baekhyun! Don't be sad." Luhan tried to cheer up her best friend.
"Right. Because, Chanyeol is not performing later, he can pick you up later; he can be with you throughout the night." Kyungsoo added, trying to enlighten Baekhyun's mood.
Baekhyun let out a heavy breath. "Thanks. But you are wrong. Chanyeol said he can't pick me up tonight and I notice lately he is always busy. When I wanted to go to his, he always reason out that they have visitors or sometimes he let me go home alone. He usually go home late as what his mom said to me. His mom also said that he's always locking himself on his room." She stated sadly.
"I'm going to kill Park Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo yelled.
"Hey Soo, you are destroying my eardrum. Pipe down. Baekhyun maybe try to talk to Chanyeol. Give him a chance to explaine himself later. Okay?" Luhan explained softly.
"Okay. Thank you." She replied.
The two can feel that Baekhyun was not doing well today. Although she was energetic before, they know Baekhyun very well. She's just hiding her emotion. Baekhyun left the conversation.She's not in the mood to talk. She opened her messages, waiting if Chanyeol will text him or did him texted her. She texted Chanyeol.
To: Yeollie <3
Hey Channie :">
Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol's reply for a minute but even a punctuation mark, she didn't receive any reply. So she tried to call him this time. As what she expected, Chanyeol didn't pick up his phone. She's mad, upset, sad and worried at the same time. She doesn't want to look ugly tonight so she forced herself to show her angelic smile.

Luhan was done on her make-up and hair now. Her dress was now in front of her. She was thinking if she will really wear that kind of dress. Her mom picked it for her. It's beautiful but she's not comfortable wearing this kind of dress. It's to revealing for her but actually, it's not. She has no choice but to wear it. Her thoughts washed out when her phone rang. She took a look at the sender's name. It was from Sehun.

From: Sehunnie
Hey beautiful. See you later. <3

She replied
To: Sehunnie
You too, Handsome. <3

Kyungsoo was done with everything. She even wore her dress now. The dress showed her sexiness. She wanted to be sexy and beautiful in front of Jongin. You know? Jongin? She knew before that Jongin was a playboy. Sometimes, she felt insecure with Jongin's exes. They were gorgeous and really sexy. She was happy that Jongin changed for good. It's not that she was not trusting Jongin until now butshe can't help to think the 'what ifs.' She snapped out when her phone rang. Jongin's name was flashed on the screen of the phone.

"Uhmm.. Hi."
"See you later."
"Babe? What's wrong?"
"Huh? Nothing. Why did you ask?"
"Are you not feeling well?"
"No. I'm fine. I need to prepare.Bye."
She ended the call without waiting for Jongin's reply.

The senior students were gathered now at the event hall of the school. Everyone looked handsome and beautiful with their attires. The three boys were waiting for their girlfriends excitedly.

"I can't wait to see my Kyungsoo. I bet she's really sexy and gorgeous with her dress." Jongin spoke. A wide grin painted on his face.
"My Luhannie is more beautiful, I swear." Sehun retorted.
The two were laughing but here's Chanyeol, shaking because of nervousness. He's aware that he has been ignoring Baekhyun these past few days. He's not mad at Baekhyun. Actually, he has a surprise but he can't help but to became disappointed to himself. He has no time for Baekhyun. He felt that he has a bad boyfriend. He stopped his trail of thoughts when Sehun pulled his ear. He groaned a little bit.
"Yeol, don't worry. She's not going to be mad." Sehun assured him with a smile.
Chanyeol smiled back. They noticed that Jongin's mouth was widely open.
"Man, you are drooling." Chanyeol teased him.
They looked to where Jonginwas staring.
"Kyungsoo?" Jongin uttered.

Kyungsoo was making her way to the boys' table. She saw the two laughing at her boyfriend. She laughed to Jongin's expression. Finally,Jongin stood up to accompany Kyungsoo to their table. As they were seated now, Jongin was really speechless. She was just staring at Kyungsoo.
"Hey! Stop staring. I might melt anytime." Kyungsoo teased him.
"Huh?" Jongin replied unconsciously.
Kyungsoo chuckled. "You're so handsome." She pinched Jongin's nose.
"You're Beautiful." He squished Kyungsoo's cheeks.
The two were a little bit out of place. Their partners were not here yet.
"Uhmm, where are they?" Sehun asked Kyungsoo.
"Oh, they are on their way now. Speaking, hi Lulu." Kyungsoo exclaimed and waved to Luhan.
Sehun and Chanyeol tilted their heads and looked at their back. Sehun's jaw dropped. He slowly stood up and made his way to Luhan. "You. Are. Perfect." He uttered that made Luhan chuckle.
"Whatever. Let's go." She held Sehun's hand and walked to their table.
Everyone was chatting and laughing. But suddenly interrupted when someone shouted. Someone who is petite and noisy. It's Baekhyun.
"Sshhh. Byun Baekhyun, no need to shout." Kyungsoo scolded her.
All of them laughed except Chanyeol. He was just admiring how beautiful Baekhyun is. The two of them made an eye contact with each other. Baekhyun smiled at him. "Hi Yeollie."
Chanyeol quickly stood up. "Guys, I need to go somewhere here. I see you later." He didn't wait for any response. He walked away. He didn't notice Baekhyun's hurtful eyes. She's in the urge of crying. Luhan noticed it and patted her back. "Don't cry. Sshh. Sit down."
"Uhh, beautiful ladies. We need to change for our performance. See you later." Jongin broke the silence. The three nodded.
'Why is Chanyeol acting this way? Did I do something wrong?' Baekhyun thought to herself.

The MC tapped his mic to grab the attention of students.
"Welcome to our seniors' ball 2016. Students, kindly stand up for the short prayer to be led by Ms. Xi Luhan."
Everyone stood up. Luhan started the prayer. After the short prayer, the MC took the mic from Luhan.
"Let us witness a wonderful performance from these beautiful ladies, GIRLS' GENERATION."
Everyone clapped their hands especially the boys. But the girls didn't care much, they just watched.It was Tiffany's group. After the first dance number, the choir which the three (Luhan, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo) were members sung. After the choir's performance, everyone became silent even the three who were now seated.
"Girls, Are you all excited?" The MC exclaimed energetically.
All of them shouted 'yes'.
Jongin and Sehun appeared on the stage together with the other male students. They danced to the song 'MOONLIGHT' by exo. Every girl can't contain the hotness even Kyungsoo and Luhan. Their moves were really smooth. Right now, they can feel their cheeks burning. While the two boys are dancing, they are looking at their girlfriends. They felt inspired. The two were busy watching their boyfriends while Baekhyun was watching with sad eyes. She hoped that Chanyeol was performing too. At the backstage, Chanyeol was really nervous.
The performance was finished with a loud cheers and claps. The two quickly change to their formal attires and went back to their seats together with their girlfriends. As they took their seats, the stage became dark for a minute. The light came back again but there was a piano in the middle.All of the attention were now at the stage. A man appeared on the stage. He tapped the mic.
"Uhhm. Good evening." Chanyeol greeted.
The students shouted and squealed.
"Can everyone please keep quiet and lend me your ears especially you, BYUN BAEKHYUN. Please listen." He caught the attention of all students especially Baekhyun.
The girls squealed silently.
"I want to dedicate this song for my one and only. My world and my life. I hope she will like and appreciate it. She's very special to me. So please, I want to show my love for you and also I want to say sorry to her. Guys, listen."
Everyone looked at Baekhyun. Baekhyun was shocked.
After his speech, he sat on the piano chair and started playing with the piano. He played the song 'ALL OF ME' and started singing.
Baekhyun was speechless on Chanyeol's speech. While her boyfriend was singing, she really wanted to cry. She wanted to cry because of happiness.
After the song number, Chanyeol went down on the stage and made his way to Baekhyun. He gave the bouquet of roses that he hid at his back. Baekhyun happily took it from his hands. He hugged Chanyeol tightly. Chanyeol hugged him back.
"You jerk, why didn't you tell me? You make me feel worried." She cried out on Chanyeol's chest.
"If I tell you, it's not a surprise already. I'm sorry if I have no time for you these past few days. I'm sorry if I made you worry and mad. I love you Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol replied while rubbing Baekhyun's back to stop her from crying.
"I love you too Park Chanyeol." She responded.
All of the students clapped their hands and squealed. Jongin hit the glass wine with fork, like in the weddings. All of them laughed. Chanyeol showed his fist to Jongin and acted that he will punch Jongin.
The dinner started and everyone was eating happily. The six were joking around. They teased Chanyeol and Baekhyun all the time.
After the dinner, the MC went to the stage.
"Students, we will start the main event of the ball. Who will be our king and queen for this year? We gathered all your votes and the results are on my hands now."
Everyone became silent, excited to the announcement.
"Our Promenade King for this year is..... Obviously, our last year's prom king, OH SEHUN."
The boys clapped their hands and the girls screamed happily. Sehun stood up and went to the stage.
"If there is a king, there will be a queen. So the year's promenade queen is..."
'I'm sure it is me again.' Tiffany thought to herself confidently.
Jongin and Chanyeol looked at Tiffany's direction and shook their heads.
"Our promenade queen is... the beautiful Xi Luhan."
Everyone squealed happily. Luhan was shocked.
"Oh my gosh, Lulu. Congratulations!" Baekhyun yelled happily.
"I thought it's really you. You deserve it." Kyungsoo added.
The two boys smiled. "Go ahead. Your king is waiting." Jongin said happily.
Chanyeol made a light push at Luhan's back.
The two looked at Tiffany. They laughed at her secretly.

"What the hell. This can't be. I'm the most beautiful and famous here. That girl is getting on my nerves. I make her pay. Arrgggh" she exclaimed but no one cares. All of them are stairing at Luhan.

'Girl, she's really beautiful.'
'I like her eyes a lot.'
'She's really deserving'
'How to be Xi Luhan?'

The statements of the other students made her madder. Nickhun wrapped his arms around Tiffany.
"Tiffany, it's okay. You're still the most beautiful for me." He stated to ease Tiffany's anger.
Tiffany harshly takes Nickhun's arms away around her. "No way. You are annoying!You know what? It's your entire fault. " she yelled.
"Wait? What?" he exclaimed.
"Let's break up. I don't want to see your stupid face again. Stay away from me. It's all your fault." She yelled again at Nickhun.
"That's all you want? Then fine." Nickhun walked out.

Luhan walked in the aisle. As Luhan was stepping on the stairs, Sehun offered his hand to accompany Luhan. The two were now at the stage. The faculty started putting their sash and crown. Everyone clapped their hands.
"So students, it's time for the seniors' ball dance. Enjoy the night." The MC announced.
All of the students danced with their partners. Of course they were dancing with their girlfriends.
While dancing, Jongin asked Kyungsoo.
"Mind telling me, what's bothering you before?"
"Nothing." Kyungsoo looked away.
"Kyungsoo, please." He pleaded.
Kyungsoo let out a sigh "Uhhmm, I'm just insecure. You see? I tried my best to wear this kind of dress. I want to look sexy in front of you because your exes really looked gorgeous and sexy. I'm just afraid that you will look with other girls who are sexier. I know you." She explained.
Jongin laughed that made Kyungsoo furrowedher eyebrows. "You're so childish. I love you okay? No matter what you look like. You're the most beautiful and sexy. Those girls have nothing to say with your beauty. They are so trying hard to become beautiful but you are just simply beautiful. Don't ever think of that again. I love you." He replied lovingly. He hugged Kyungsoo while smelling her scent. Kyungsoo smiled and she felt contented.

"I'm your first dance, right?" Sehun asked Luhan.
Luhan nodded.
Sehun wanted to be Luhan's first and last dance. Same as Luhan.
"You look beautiful tonight." Sehun said out of the blue while they are dancing.
"So, only tonight?" Luhan joked.
"Of course every day, my queen." Sehun smiled.
Luhan chuckled and they continue to feel the rhythm.
It's time for everyone to change their partners so everyone was asking permission to borrow their partner.
"So Jongin, can I dance Kyungsoo?" he asked.
"Sure, but not for too long." Jongin answered
"Hey Chanyeol, may I borrow your Baekhyunnie?"Jongin also asked.
"Okay and excuse me, don't call my Baekhyunnie with that. You are not allowed." Chanyeol glared at Jongin but suddenly he laughed.
"Hey Channie! That's rude." Baekhyun laughed.

While Sehun and Luhan was sitting,Minseok went to them.
"Oh Sehun, can I dance Luhan?" he smiled at Sehun.
Sehun was about to retort but Luhan elbowed him. She sensed that Sehun will say something rude.
"Ouch, okay fine. But only you okay? I don't want to saw her with other man here." He commanded.
Minseok nodded. He offered his hands to Luhan then soon she took his hands.
"Yes?" she smiled at Minseok.
"I have something to tell you." He stated nervously.
"What is it?"
"Promise me that you will not avoid me."
Luhan just nodded.
"I-I like you. But it's not that I am forcing you to like me back. I know you are taken and you really love Oh Sehun, I just want to become close with you. I want to be your friend." He explained.
"I don't know what to say but we are friends, right?" she happily responded.
"But Sehun said you can't be my friend? Don't worry. We're friends." She smiled.
Minseok also smiled.
While Sehun was sitting alone,someone grabbed him outside the hall. As soon as they reached the back of the hall, he looked at who's the one who grabbed him. It's Tiffany. Before he can spoke,Tiffany kissed him. His eyes were open. He quickly pushed Tiffany harshly.
"What do you think you are doing?" He asked in a cold tone.
"I break up with Nickhun." She replied.
"So?" he kept his poker face.
"I love you so much. I'm sorry for what I've done to you. I'm regretting it. Come back to me." She pleaded.
"Huh? I don't care. Besides, I don't love you anymore. Move on. It's your lost not mine." He was about to walk away when Tiffany grabbed him and kissed him again.
He pushed Tiffany again, this time, Tiffany fell on the floor. He successfully walked away and ignored Tiffany who is shouting on the top of her lungs.
"You will regret it, OH SEHUN."
While he was walking, he wiped his mouth with his handkerchief to remove the lipstick stain. He was shocked when he saw Luhan happily walking to him. Luhan's eyes furrowed.
"What happened to you? As if you have seen a ghost." She asked.
Sehun just stared for a minute until Luhan poked his forehead.
"Hey? Are you okay?"
"Huh? Yeah. Why are you here anyway?" he asked nervously.
"I'm looking for you, dummy and also Ms. Son was looking for me.Why are you here, outside?
"Nothing." He smiled not wanting to show his nervousness.
"Why are you nervous? Did you do something?" she accussed Sehun but she was just joking.
Sehun was shocked. He noticed that Luhan was shivering because her body was exposed in the cold breeze. He took this chance to change the conversation.
"Why are you shivering?" he asked.
"Uhhh.. it's cold"
"Who says to wear that kind of dress? It's too showy. " He quickly took off his coat and wrapped it to Luhan's body. It's okay because he was still wearing his vest.
He kissed Luhan's forehead, nose then in lips.
"Go ahead. Ms. Son is waiting. Go back at once." He smiled.
Luhan nodded.
"Oh, I have to dance your friends. I go now." He walked away.
Luhan stared at Sehun's vanishing figure. Something caught her attention, a handkerchief. Out of curiousity, she took it. She scanned the handkerchief. A lipstick stain? Is it Sehun's? "Where did he get it?
Many thoughts popped out in her mind but she chose to ignore it. She trusts Sehun and there is no way that Sehun will hurt her. She believes that Sehun loves her.

Hi there! Finally! :) I can't believe i make this far. I'm sorry for disappointing you on the previous chapter. I'll try my very best. Even I am not satisfied with this,I still have the courage to continue this Fanfic because of some comments that gives me good vibes and fighting spirit. I love you and I appreciate you. I owe you a lot. Enjoy guys. See you next time for the 16th chapter. xoxo

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