Vampires what could go wrong

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I thought no other hunter had gone after this vamp, yeah well I was wrong. I had gotten to the nest to find two dead vampires, the ones I was about to kill. Nothing seemed easy anymore, to start off with it was just creatures, now it was demons angels and anything you can think of.

I looked around for any trace or suggestion of who might of been here. Nothing, no tire tracks, no piece of clothing. Thats when i heard two voices outside.

"Come on lets get rid of the bodies" i heard one voice say

"Dean, was that car there before?" the other one questioned

Dean, i had heard that name before, it was one that was going round the hunter community. As i heard a gun click, i darted behind a wall. The door squeaked open, i glanced over from my place of protection. There was two men, one was short, must of been about 6.1, he had short hair and a leather jacket, In behind him was a taller guy, who must of been about 6.4, he had long hair and was wearing a plaid shirt.

I held my breath as i realised who it was, it was those damn Winchesters. I had to get outta there, nothing was worse than getting involved with them. Everyone i knew that had gone to them for help, never returned, gone missing or turned up dead a few weeks later. I looked around, i saw a door uphead it was ajar. Between me and that door was nothing but open space, so i had to sprint like a werewolf was chasing me or at least get shot trying.

I glanced round again and notice that they had split up, The tall one, Sam, had gone to the left, while dean was on the other side of me. I saw my chance, this was it, either run and have a chance of getting away or staying, and risk being caught. This is it is had to go.

I took one last deep breath, closed my eyes, and ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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