You want to play. Then fine I will play to.

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The fear I have in this very moment scares me. The one thing that’s keeps me in this world is Kyle.



After the long night I am done with all these games. time seems to be going by fast soon me and Kyle wont be alive both dead. The morning sun flows through my room the bright colors make my sad mood turns a little brighter I try and put on a smile but it never comes.

“Wake up,Wake up things to do no  time to waste!” Silver is banging on my door and its making me want to pull my own hair out.

Can’t she see that I need to sleep seeing how tomorrow I am going in to the arena? I think most of the capital People have lost what ever human quality the had as a baby. Even then I have meet smarter people then babies, the only smart person I know of is President Snow. For the past few days I have laid awake just thinking how sick and twisted President Snow’s mind is I wonder in what why he is going to kill me? send a wild animal after me? or just let some random kid kill me? or will he drive me into insanity were I will just kill myself. That thought scares me. wait what am I saying this whole stupid game scares me to death. I should let Kyle live he has more to live for I mean what do I have? I am not very pretty, I don’t know how to fish, I have never even talked to a guy before except for Kyle. So how will I ever have a family? Because my Grandma is old and won’t be here forever.

“Julie if you don’t get up I am getting the water!” Kyle says through the door.

“Go away!” I barely say in a whisper.

“I am coming in.”

All I feel in that moment is a cold chill go all over me. I jump up from the bed and look around Kyle is standing over by the door with a empty bucket in his hands laughing at me. I look at him with what I hope is a death glare. He looks scared for a minute. Good. I think in my head. “Kyle your mean.” I say in a sad little girl voice. And put my head in my hands and acted like I am crying. It worked.

“Julie I am sorry its just…. Uh God I am so sorry!” he walks over to me by the bed.

A little closer, just a little closer!

“give me a hug!” I say holding out my arms for him.

“Uh no way your all wet !”

I grin an evil grin and put my fingers up to my face and rub them evilly.

“Exactly.” I say. I start towards him but he out the door in no time I chase after him I dash down past all the rooms and down the stairs and into the kitchen. He is fast but not as fast as me. I run past a girl wearing a maids uniform and into the sitting room Kyle is trapped like a fish in a net.

“Make this easier for me and just come here.” I state

“No way please Julie?” “don’t do this?” I stalk over to him grinning like a crazy lady.

“Oh but whats the fun in that?” I reply

“Lots like saving a poor lady to have to wash another outfit for me.”

“Oh but you won’t be needing that outfit tomorrow.” I grin even bigger. If he wants to play ‘get Julie wet with a bucket of water then by all means I am going to get him back.

“So how’s that girl you like what was her name again Sophia? Was it? I should talk about how much she loves you in my interview, Or how much you feel the same way.

“You wouldn’t dare!” he says with horror in his eyes. Se

‘Sophia’ Is this girl from back home in District4 she goes to the same school as Me and Kyle. She has big glasses and frizzy blond hair and brown eyes. Hint the brown eyes ‘her dad was from district 10 and her mom from 4 me and Kyle’s parents were friends with hers then all were apart of the rebellion against the capital. So she has this big crush on Kyle and would always ask to eat lunch with us, and go hoem with us after school or she would leave these notes in Kyle’s locker saying to meet her after school behind the school gym. I’ve always wanted to know why she liked Kyle I mean Kyle is Kyle nothing different from any other high school boy you would see walking down the rode.

One time Kyle saw her through his window looking at him changed lets just say he was freaked  out for weeks. And the worst thing she ever did was try and make Kyle a Man purse out of her hair now ii found that just plan creepy just to think what she would do for Kyle to get out of the arena alive.

“Watch me.” now I’ve got him right were I want him.

I run up to next to him and hug him. God he so warm! I think.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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