Chapter 2

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Danny flew back home at around 9:00 in the morning. Even though it still hadn't stopped raining, and he was soked to the bone, he loved the freedom of flying and having the time to himself.

Danny flew into his room and changed back to Danny Fenton. Just then his door opened, "Where have you been!" Jazz asked sternly. "Out." Danny said, walking past her. "Well in case you haven't noticed, it's a certain someone's birthday today!" Jazz exclaimed. "Who's?" Danny asked, still walking. "Yours!" Jazz said. "Oh, I'm 15 now, yay." Danny said, unenthusiastically. Jazz grabbed his wrist.

"What's wrong?" Jazz asked in concern. "Nothing." Danny grunted, trying to pull his wrist away, but failing for Jazz had a good grip on it. "Please tell me. I'm your sister you can tell me anything." Jazz said, pleadingly. "Nothing's wrong." Danny said, annoyed. He let his wrist go intangible, and removed it from Jazzes grasp, before walking away.

As Danny was walking, he let himself go intangible once more to let all the water fall off him. Jazz caught up to him. "Is it Mom and Dad?" "No!" Danny exclaimed, before finally reaching the bathroom, going inside, and slamming the door. He heard Jazz sigh and walk away.

Danny took a shower and brushed his teeth. He went back to his room and got dressed. After that he, reluctantly, went downstairs. "Happy birthday, Little Badger!" Vlad exclaimed, happily when he saw Danny walk into the diningroom. Danny gave a half smile. "Thanks." He sat down and started piling his plate with food.

Danny ate rather quickly. After he finished he made to leave but Vlad said, "Where are you going in such a rush?" "Uh, well, there's just a few things I need to do." Danny replied. "But it's your birthday, and your friends are going to be here soon." Vlad replied. "Uh, I won't be long, it's just one thing." Danny said. Vlad thought about for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. "Well make sure to remember an umbrella at least." "I will." Danny said and walked out.

Danny opened the umbrella he grabbed on the way out, put it over his head, and began walking. The walk to the prison only took about fifteen minutes. He walked in and to a nice looking lady at a desk. "Uh, hi. I've come to visit Jack and Maddie Fenton." Danny said clearly. The woman looked up from her typing at him. "And how do you know them?" She asked kindly. "Oh, uh, family." Danny responded. She gave him a visitors pass to clip onto his shirt, which he did. "Follow me." She said.

The woman escorted Danny to a room with glass windows and telephones. "So just sit down in the third chair, and pick up the phone to talk. They should be here any second." Danny nodded and with a smile the woman walked out.

Danny sat down at the third chair and picked up the phone and put it up to his ear. A moment later he saw his parents being escorted by a gaurd, the station acrossed from Danny. They sat down and picked up the phone.

"Hi." Danny said, not knowing what else to say. "Listen you ghost punk. When we get out of here we are going to find you and destroy you molecule by molecule!" Jack said in a loud whisper. "Why did you even come here anyway, did you think we'd change our opinion on you or something?" Maddie spat. Danny's small hopeful smile he had was gone. "I-I," Danny stuttered, "I guess I was just hoping-" His mother cut him off. "Hoping what? We'd give you a cheerful happy birthday? I don't think so." Danny's gaze moved to his lap, though he still had the phone to his ear. "I just thought I'd try to explain, I guess. I wasn't always like this. I never wanted this to happen to me." Danny looked back up. "But I've done lots of good for people-" He was cut off again, this time by his father. "We don't want to hear it, dirty rotten ghost. You better enjoy your days we're behind bars because when we're out of here... Well, lets just say, you won't even have your afterlife to look forward to." With that Jack hung up the phone and he and Maddie left.

Danny was left sitting there. He regained his senses when a gaurd tapped his shoulder. "Kid?" Danny looked up. "Oh, sorry." Before the gaurd could say anything else, Danny hung up the phone and ran out of the room.

Danny walked home, wiping his face. Not knowing, or caring, if it was tear stained or from the rain.

When Danny walked through the door, he heard a "suprise!" Danny looked up to see the whole place way now decorated with streamers, balloons, and a 'happy birthday' banner. There were presents and a large cake on the table. Vlad, Jazz, Tucker, and Sam were there too.

Though Danny wasn't in the mood for this, he smiled and acted happy and supried. "Wow thanks guys!" He exclaimed, walking over to them.

The party would have been a blast for Danny if he was in a good mood, but he wasn't. In fact, he was completely miserable. All he wanted to do was go in his room and be away from everyone. But he couldn't. After cake, it was time for presents. Vlad got him the new gaming system with a bunch of new games, Jazz got him Dumpy Humpy tickets she'd been apperently saving up for. Tucker got him this new horror movie he'd been wanting. And Sam simply said, her present wasn't ready yet. Through out the whole day Danny acted as happy and cheerful as can be. Like absolutely nothing was wrong.

By the end of the day, Danny waved by to his friends. Giving Sam a kiss on the cheek and from that, a smirk from Tucker. Danny walked to his room and closed the door. Once again collapsing on his bed. All Danny could think about was the visit to his parents and how horribly it went. With tears welding up in his eyes, Danny closed his eyes and once again, fell asleep.

Remorse- Sequel to Betrayed a Danny Phantom FanficWhere stories live. Discover now