Oh Man

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At home in their bedroom

"I CANNOT BELIEVE JANET FOUND OUT ABOUT OUR SECRET!!!!!!!"Blazeley yelled. "But,I'm happy that there is a dance on Friday." The door opens and Kat walks in. "I'm home from work." She says extremely tired. "Woah, mom you look terrible!" Nerdycat said. "Oh,just a really hard first day of work." "I hope so! You look like you got mauled by a bear!" Kat shook her head,looking down. "Did I just hear something about a girl named Janet and that she knows our secret?" she asked raising her voice slightly. "I'm sorry,but she caused me to go to angry Nerdy." "Yeah,my hair became a bonfire!" Blazeley chimed in. "I had to dodge so,I turned to a pillow," Shaylee continued. "And I didn't dodge so I got cut and bled pink frosting," Candy finished. "Ooh! Let me clean that up!" Kat said pulling out some disinfectant spray. "What did she say to cause all of this?" "Ow! She was going on and on saying that wherever we live is awful and that they banished us for being dumb!" Candy explained as Kat sprayed her arm with disinfectant. "Um,that girl has no business saying stuff like that! This all her fault!!!!" Kat yelled, bandaging Candy's arm. "Um guys,where is my charm bracelet? You know,the one that says 'Keep Calm And Live In Randomtopia'?" Blazeley worried. "You must of dropped it when we were having that fight with Janet. Knowing her,she definitely grabbed it." Suddenly Blazeley's phone rang. "Hello! Oh hi Todd! Wait what! That's great!" Blazeley exclaimed then hanging up. "School's cancelled until the dance!" "That means that we have plenty of time to plan on how we will stop Janet!" Nerdycat squealed.

One hour later at the dress store

"So,first we need to get the phone and bracelet," Shaylee explained. "Then,we delete the photo,take the bracelet,and put the phone back!" "Cool,I think I'll get this green dress," said Blazeley. "Cute,I'll just get a blue dress," Shaylee replied. "I'll get something that has tiny potatoes on it. Like this dress," exclaimed Candy. Nerdycat raised an eyebrow and said "Well,my dress just has pink cats on it." "So tonight,we will do the plan!"Shaylee exclaimed.

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