Memories~A Liam Payne Fan fiction ( for Jazzy)

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Chapter 1:

everyone was rushing around to find there next class to attend and of course I was the one getting pushed and shoved by people, since no one knew me anyways. I could hear the teachers yelling at students, I didn’t want to be in trouble for being late on my first day of school. I was literally rushing so much, I didn’t notice I bumped into someone “I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going” I hesitated to say. I look up to see this cute brown haired boy, smiling at me “its fine love, no worries, I wouldn’t want to hurt a beautiful girl like you anyways”. I blushed, no guy has ever been that nice to me before I couldn’t help give me a smile, he shook my hand and said to me “my names Liam, you must be the new girl here” I nodded my head and said “yeah I am and I’m Jazzy”. He kept on staring at me with those gorgeous brown eyes, “well  it was really nice to meet and I’m sure I will see you around some time but I got to go to class now bye!” I waved at him one more time before I ran to my class room.

“You must be the new girl Jazzy? Yeah” I nodded my head and took a seat at the back of the classroom. “My name is Ms Embery and I will be your home room teacher for the year” I didn’t say a word and gave her a small smile. Everyone kept staring at me weirdly, great start to the day I thought to myself and ignored them and tried to work at this maths equation that was set to do for the lesson. After an hour or so: “all of you worked excellent today, you can now leave the classroom for snack time”, I wasn’t too bothered to rush, I went to my locker and headed to the lunch cafeteria , sitting down at a table by myself eating my snack, I hear a voice near me “ May I sit next to you?” I nod my head without bothering to look who it was. “So how’s your first day going” I finally look up and realise it was the boy from before, Liam. “Yeah okay thanks, maths is really boring though” he responds laughing and shaking his head, I swear he has the cutest laugh. “I agree, I’ve never really been good at maths, I am more of a sporty person to be honest”. Just before I was about to say something the bell rings.

“Well I got to go now sorry, maybe we can catch up later if you like?” he gets up and takes my rubbish for me “ yeah, that sounds okay, would you be able to go to star bucks with me after school?” “That sounds nice, I would love to see you then” I say before I see the last of him. School goes by pretty fast and it is already the end of the day.

Chapter 2:

I can see Liam waiting for me at the school gates, “ready to go love?” I put my bag on my bag and say “yep, let’s go then”. We walk to Starbucks talking about our favourite sports and getting to know each other more. He is so nice to me though, he says he could never be mean to anyone even if he doesn’t particularly like them. He is such a perfect guy.

We both order the chocolate frappe and sit down at one of the tables, we just talk about ourselves and what our lives are like. I am so glad I found a nice person to talk to. We exchange numbers and head our separate ways, to be honest , this is the first time I’ve hanged out with just me and a boy, not like were dating anyways.

I get home and collapse on my bed smiling thinking about the day, he is everything I’ve always wanted in a guy, but how could someone be so perfect when I just met him? It starts to get late and I head to bed early for school tomorrow. *ring ring* I look at my lock screen on my phone and see that I’ve got a text message ‘It was really nice to meet you today Jazzy, have a nice sleep and cya at school tomorrow xx’.

Chapter 3:

It’s been a month since I enrolled at the school and I’ve already made a couple of friends including Liam who now hangs out with me after school and at school all the time. We’ve gotten really close ever since I bumped into him in the locker bay, considering its only been a couple of weeks of knowing him, I know everything about him and he knows everything about me, we treat each other like were family and see each other 24/7, life couldn’t get any better.

Memories~A Liam Payne Fan fiction ( for Jazzy)Where stories live. Discover now