Chapter 1: A War Academy

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With a block from the side to a slash from the right. I finally beat my father, Lord Pendragon. By the way, my name is Arthur. I'm sure you've read the description about me being the so called descendant of the glorious knight, King Arthur. Yes, I have also inherited the name.

"Okay. Let's stop." Said my father who was nearly gasping for breath. My father was a tall and fairly built up man. He was also considered as the world's strongest Swordian. He had the same blue eyes that I had. When you would look into them you could feel that there was greater depth to his personality beside his outer appearance.

I was considered a prodigy in the art of swordsmanship. Naturally I might have inherited this skill from him, the king. "Well, I have to say Arthur. You really have grown. Five years ago you were wobbling with the sword in your hand and now you wield it like part of your body. You are truly remarkable." "I am not worthy of your praise, father. Without you I would not have reached this feat."

I am sure that father put his utmost confidence in me and wanted me to be the heir to the throne. I could see it in his eyes which had peculiar glitter in them expecting me to excel. "Good work, Arthur!" From across the room came my childhood friend Emily. With her eyes deep purple and almost like gems, long silky blonde hair and fair skin she was the most beautiful girl amongst the nobles. Both of us were students of my father and we both had graduated from training today.

"Thanks, Emily. I got really pumped up after seeing your fight with father." "You're flattering me too much." Said Emily with red cheeks and a flushed face.

In this world we live in, we are categorised into two- normal people and Swordians. Swordians have superior strength, agility and intelligence. Basically we are the superior race compared to normal people. Amongst the Swordians Emily and I were considered prodigies due to our swordsmanship. Normal Swordians didn't even have a chance against us. We Swordians are also born with the power to control an element which is decided with birth.

"Okay. Let's stop with the idle chat and move on with giving you two a diploma of completing my training." Said father with a small confident smirk. He continued, "I, Lord Pendragon, now pronounce Arthur Pendragon II and Emilia Crossfield graduates of the Dragon Arts." Hearing those few words meant that we were capable of defeating even professional Swordians, that's how powerful Dragon Arts, the martial art style created by King Arthur meant. We were overjoyed by the thought of being able to get a leave from father's demonic way of teaching.

"Since you two have finished the training, I'm sending you two to the Sword Academy." Said father. "WAIT! What did you say? An academy? What for?!" You can't blame me for being surprised. Just after finishing his training he's sending me to another place for more training? Isn't that unreasonable? "Arthur! We should not argue over a decision made by master." Emily retorted.

I went straight up to her face and started wondering whether her head was damaged after a hit from the wooden sword, "Are you sure you're oka-" "Arthur, you're too close." Said Emily trying to push me away with her face bright red.

"Alright enough with your lover's quarrel. It is decided! You two will leave at once and head to the Academy your ancestor Sir Arthur made." Father was actually serious about sending us to the academy. "We are not lov- Wait! What? My ancestor made the academy? Why didn't you tell me before? Am I not your so 'worthy' enough?" "Arthur Pendragon II, you dare raise your voice in the presence of your father! It had been decided by the family that after you two finish your training you will immediately be sent there. I will not tolerate any more questions. A car is waiting for you outside to take you to the harbour." He then immediately walked out of the dojo, leaving us confused and shocked.

"I can't believe that father is making us go to an academy. Like we aren't trained enough." Emily answered, "I believe that master made the right decision. We can now challenge kids our own age and fight our way to glory." We went to our separate rooms and started packing our stuff for the journey. We walked out of the house and sat in the car which was going to take us to the harbour.

When we reached the harbour, the whole sky turned cloudy and it started to drizzle. I got out of the car and before us stood an enormous ship. The driver told us that we were supposed to board it. We walked up the ramp heading towards the entrance where the captain stood.

Before we could enter we were asked for a ticket. I panicked, "Wait. My father didn't say anything about a ticket." "Hohoho! And who might this father of yours be?" Said the captain looking down at us. "My father's name is Lord Cameron Pendragon." There was a sudden chill down his spine. He looked really pale, almost like snow. With a face which showed extreme fear he shouted, "I AM EXTREMELY SORRY! Please spare my life! I was unaware that young master was going to be boarding the ship." Now I was really confused. That person from looking down on me started fearing and praising my existence and on top of that, he called me young master?

We were taken inside where there was a huge chandelier. We were taken to the fifth floor which had only two rooms. When we entered our separate rooms, I was astonished. It was top notch and showed class just by looking at it. I entered the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I stared at myself for a minute or two looking into my blue eyes I saw lighting sparking. My brown hair was all frizzled up and was said to be the only thing that kept my powers in check. I might have not told you this but my original hair color was white but due to my immense magic there were various barriers placed on me to contain that magic and hence my hair turned brown. I took off my shirt to take a shower. My whole body was covered in scars from my past training.

After freshening up I heard a few knocks on my door. I was surprised that there was a visitor. I walked towards the door and asked, "Who is it?" "It's me, Emily." I opened the door and Emily jumped on to me. I was knocked down. I was lying there with Emily on top of me with her typical scared face. A few tears were running down her face. I asked her what was wrong. She nodded and muttered, "I'm sea sick." Those three words literally ticked me off. Just when I was going to scold her, the captain came in with a cheerful tone, "Young Master! We have reached Sword City!"

I handed my stuff to the captain and grabbed Emily's wrist while running out. When we exited the ship, the sky was clear and when I looked down there was a huge crowd. We walked ahead, through the crowd only to be surprised by some people placing a red carpet leading to a limo right in front of me. Six men on each side bowed and exclaimed, "Welcome back, Young Master!"

I hope you liked the first chapter to this story. I will post the next chapter in my free time.

The next chapter will also include the mysterious Academy Of War!!

P.S. the two in the picture are Arthur and Emily an yes, I'm a hardcore anime fan.😂

See you next time!💥

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