Episode 22 part 2

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They had ordered the cheese and fried rice tteobokki. While waiting for the food , they eat the kimbap as appetizer

Hayoung : Oppa do you like cheese kimbap or tuna kimbap ?

Sehun : Instead of answer that alone , let's play game , the game is we choose between the two item,if we said the same thing , we are perfect match? Okey ?

Hayoung : Arasso , then let's ask the pd said the item

PD : cheese kimbap or tuna kimbap ? 1 2 3

Seyoung : Cheese kimbap

Hayoung : Eo ? Yeay ! *do the high five with Sehun*

PD : Monster or Lucky One ? 123

Seyoung : Monster !

Sehun : That's my wife !

PD : Mr Chu or LUV ? 123

Seyoung : Mr Chu !

Hayoung : Mr Chu ipseuwiya Chu ~

Sehun : Dalkomage Chu ~

MC 4 : they are match with each other

PD : Next , Bubble Tea or Ice Americano ? 123

Seyoung : Bubble Tea !!

MC 3 : Woah ! 4 times straight !

MC 2 : i'm getting goosebumps now !

PD : Last , Tteobokki or Hanwoo ? 123

Seyoung : Tteobokki !!

Sehun : Woah ! Youngie *high 5 with Hayoung*

Hayoung : So we are perfect match !

Sehun : Of course we are !

After that , the food have arrived

Hayoung : Wah ~ looks delicious

Sehun : I'm hungry now

Seyoung : Thanks for the food .

Both of them eat happily . Sehun sometimes feed the food to Hayoung and so Hayoung .

Hayoung : Oppa , i'm so thankful that i've got to eat this delicious tteobokki with oppa despite of your busy schedule

Sehun : Aww ~ are you happy now ?

Hayoung : Of course i am , so as my gratitude , i've prepared something for you .

MC 1 : eo ? An event ?

MC 2 : i think it's a present

Hayoung : Wait for a while *then she go somewhere else*

Ten minutes later , Hayoung comeback with a guitar. She then sat at the stool in front of their table.She start streaming the guitar , then she sang Ra D - I'm in love .

Hayoung : Ooo ~ i'm in love , ooo ~ i falling in love *grab Sehun hand and hug him*

MC 4 : Kyaa !!!

MC 1 : Uri Hayoungie have changed

Sehun : *grin and smile happily*

WGM background interview

Sehun : I'm so touched , to think that she's sincerely sing that song to me , makes me want to cry . Also the sudden hug *smile like a pervert* Do i look like a pervert ? *laugh* Anyway ~ Hayoungie jjang ! Thanks wife ! I'm very happy

Hayoung : It's because oppa had done many event for me , so i think it's time for me to repay him . He has doing a lot of things to me . Jinja gomawo oppa

MC 2 : they are so sweet

Sehun : Youngie ~

Hayoung : Wae oppa ?

Sehun : Thank you , i'm so happy ~ this is the best event that happen to me

Hayoung : Eyy ~ aniya , my voice is bad *chuckle*

Sehun : Aniya ~ they sound nice to me

Hayoung : Gomawo oppa

Sehun : Thanks again ~ *grab Hayoung hand*

MC 3 : i just can't get enough of them

MC 1 : nado , i'm very like this couple

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