Prologue: Life Changes

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The day was almost unbearably hot. The sun beat down on the farmers and adventurers of a small town in the kingdom of Melromarc. The town was called Misune. A farming town that adventurers only stopped by for food. Their equipment was in terrible condition and their restorative items and spells were lacking. Food though....they had plenty.

Three young boys were training in a field. One was wearing chain mail and carried a wooden shield and an iron sword. His name was Brox. Well....actually that's me. Yeah I'm Brox. Nice to meet you I guess. This is the story of the adventure my friends and I got into. Anyways there u was hacking away at a wooden dummy. I was about 6'2" and very muscular. I had straight black hair and bright yellow eyes. I know. Weird for a human right? Everyone figured it was just some weird mutation. Anyways the one on my left shooting arrows at a wooden dummy about....I think it was 50 feet away....his name was Shen. He was pretty good with that bow of his. Everyone of his arrows got their mark. All killing shots. He was about 5'11" with golden yellow hair. Two fox like ears and a fox's tail grew out of him. He's a fox Demi-Human. Most of the town hates him despite the anti-discrimination laws. The short one to my right was Keilan. He was the Mage of our group. He mainly focused on support magic. He was about 5'5" and had brown, curly hair. He was casting low level thunder magic at the dummy. Speaking of which here came the spell. "I am the power from which comes all stun my enemies with lightning!"
"First shock!"
A bolt of lightning hit the dummy. It crackles for a few seconds showing a paralyzed status above it's head. I nodded. We hadn't done much. These weren't real creatures do we could t gain XP. Which meant no leveling up. Maybe some farmers would ask us to kill giant beetles again.
"Ok guys Thats enough for now!" Shen and Keilan nodded and followed me back up the path to the mansion that served as our home. It belonged to the governor of the territory. We were orphans he had taken in. Guess I forgot to mention that earlier huh? We all lost our parents in a town raid when we were young. Well younger I mean. Shen and Keilan at least knew their parents. They even had momentos to remember them by. For Shen it was his wooden bow. It was breaking as it was. Splinters stuck out in random places. Keilan had a strange wand and an ancient tome of spells. The wand looked more like a sword handle to me but Keilan insisted it was a wand. He proved it amplified his magic as well. So we believed him. Me? I had nothing. No one even knew who my family was. It was starting to get annoying. But that's just my opinion.

The governors maid greets us at the door. She gave us all some nutritional drinks. She didn't bother to hide her glare at Shen. We kept walking as we drank. "Hey....this tastes bland. Shy are mine always bland?" Shen complained.

"We'll talk to the governor about it Shen. Don't worry." I replied messing with his hair. These two were like brothers too me. I wouldn't let anyone treat them badly without some kind of punishment.

We found the governor in his usual spot. The library. He was reading from the ancient texts again. He said it was for fun but I doubted it. Who reads these things for fun? "Hello sir. The maid is doing it again."

"With the drinks? I told her I'd fire her next time...." He sighed and put the book he was reading down. He was 5'7" and muscular. He's clearly seen battle and knows the value of hard work. His balding head showed his age though he wouldn't tell us what it was.

"Sir go easy on her. Please..." This was Shen. He was always trying to protect everyone. Including those who hurt him. And of course the governor would listen to him. Even though this person could have murdered innocent children and said they would do it again because it was fun. But our days were normally like this. But lets skip ahead to a few days later...

"Hey Guys do you smell smoke?" Shen asked looking around suddenly. We all knew what this could mean. Keilan and I looked at each other. "Bandits." We all nodded and ran towards the town.

The townsfolk were fighting the bandits with all their might. Farming scythes and axes and even a few gardening hoes could be seems slicing through the air. It was very impressive the effort they were putting in though it was completely ineffective. The bandits had greater numbers and were swarming towards the governor's house. I called to the others and we charged forward into the fight. Well I did. Shen took down five with his bow before I even got there. Then I heard the familiar shouting of Keilan. "I am the source of all power boost their attack!"
"All first strength!"
I suddenly was filled with power. I saw a status booster in top right corner of my vision. I would now do more damage. Just in time too. I had made it to the line of bandits and proceeded to slash through them. I killed five with one swing! My attack was greater than I thought. I was starting to take damage though. Not much but it was still damage. I shouted the words Ive been practicing for years. "I am the source of all power boost my defense!"
"First shield!"
Suddenly I wasn't taking damage. The bandits looked surprised but that was fixed with a swing of my sword.


Arrows started falling from the sky killing bandits instantly. That was Shen's only skill so far. He shot an arrow into the sky and hundreds would rain down with an armor piercing affect. They would deal reduced damage due to the delegation but the sheer number of them would soon overwhelm most foes.

The bandits numbers were now half of their original number. I could see the fear in their eyes as I continued to cut them down. Eventually it ended. I was actually sad about it. I wanted to kill a few more. Their leader had called a retreat from the back of the poster army of bandits. The coward! Why couldn't he fight with the rest of his men?! Shen managed to pick off another ten before they disappeared from sight. We all met up by the governors house and started talking about the loot we could get.

This wasn't to be.

The townsfolk were storming up the hill. Seriously it sounded like a storm approaching. All the feet hitting the ground sound, and felt, like thunder rolling towards us. Then we heard the shouts.
"It's his fault!"
"He brought them here!"
"His kind shouldn't be here!"
"Get out of our town you freak!"
Clearly there was one person they were talking about. Keilan and I stood in front of Shen and brandished our weapons at the townsfolk. They glared at us. We glared at them. Then the governor pushed his way through. "Children....I am sorry but....Shen must leave. I have to." He looked heartbroken. I knew he had no choice. I could forgive him. An I knew Keilan and Shen could to. It's the others we won't forgive. "If Shen leaves so do we."

"Good riddance!"
"You were all just a waste of food and time!"

I growled at the insults they were throwing at us. "When those bandits come back You'll be sorry. Lets go guys. We don't need these people." Shen and Keilan nodded and followed me down the hill. The villagers had cleared the bodies. No loot for us. Very little money. This day was the worst day of my life. At this point at least....

But something good did come from this. We were level 10 when we started. Now we were lvl 15. We would get stronger and prove our worth. We would help those who are discriminated and oppressed. We would help the innocent.

We were Thę Three Brothers. And we would change the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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