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© Janet Michael

While you weren't here

I cried every night

A million tears fell

Still my heart wasn't right

While you weren't here

I did what I could

Hoping against hope

My decisions were good

While you weren't here

I gained some in age

Things just went on

And life turned a page

While you weren't here

I just tried to go on

Knowing what didn't kill me

Would only make me strong

While you weren't here

A whole lot got changed

My life became different

My world rearranged

While you weren't here

I had to learn to be alone

To stand on my two feet

To make my own home

So that's where I am now

At this stage of my life

Still scared and alone

Still coping with strife

And oh how I wish that

Things could be different

That I could go back

To a time in the past

To a time before

You weren't here

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