Break up

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Don't you remember how we meet in that small fantastic place we only know;
where we fall in love with each other.
No...well I do;
nothing is more important for me than that moment.
Now you're gone and I can't stop loving you.
I need you...
I just miss you too much.....
understand me, please.
You know where to find me.
You know where to start looking for me,
just you know.
I'm going to sleep now because I know.....
you are not going to come;
I fail to you and
I'm sorry. I know you find someone else that makes you happy and I'm  just sad again because of you.
I'm not what you want it,
but you couldn't tell me...
no, right?...
you had to show me that I'm not worth it.
That I'm going to die alone in the same place where we started,
but you know something I don't mind if you think that
because you are not my future any more.
You are same the asshole how left me alone for a whore that you think is better than me, but...
she isn't.
I can find someone better than you do. Someone who treats me like a princess, someone who makes me feel wanted and in love, someone else that will never left me alone like you did.
I'm going to restart my life with someone else that will do anything for me.
Bringing me the moon or stars if I need them, let know when he is sad or happy as I will too, come at midnight because I don't think well and truly love me.
Now you can get away from my house, my friends, and all my life for ever.
The only fact I will never forget is our memories, our mistakes, and our time.
Thank you for nothing.        

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