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First day of high school, senior year. Gabby was so excited to see all her friends again. Finally after a long summer in Mexico with her family with no wifi and no way to get a hold of Sara her best friend in the whole world. She would do everything to be with her, and now she could. She just got back to Ohio yesterday and the first thing she does is pick up the phone and call Sara.

"OMG, OMG, OMG!" She shouted into the phone as Sara also did.

"How was Mexico?" Sara started a conversation.

"It was amazing! Almost better then the last two summers." She laughed as they talked about stuff they did over the summer. After a few minutes Gabby's mom shouted from downstairs,

"Get off your phone Gavi," that's how she pronounced her name. "Come help me and put away some things." Gabby said her goodbyes and walked down the stairs stuffing her phone in her pocket. She saw the pile of boxes covering the walls and floors of the house.

"Mom? Where are-" suddenly her mom came out from behind a few boxes,

"I'm right here." She carried a box to the kitchen, gabby grabbed a box and followed her mom. She set it down on the counter and started unpacking plates and bowls.

"You excited for school?" Her mom asked trying to learn more about her daughters personal life.

"I mean, I guess. I'm excited to see Sara and Wes." She bit her lip when she said Wes' name.

"Are you and him still... together?" Her mom asked setting the empty box on the ground.

"Well, I don't know. I hope so." She smiled as she looked and saw her mom smiling really interested in her life. She walked out of the kitchen to go get another box. Her mom waited in the kitchen for her to get back.

"You know there are a bunch of other kids at that school... You could maybe try making some new friends." Gabby stopped unpacking and glared at her mom with a half confused face,

"Why would I need knew friends, I'm fine with just Sara." She went back to unpacking.

"I know, but Sara has other friends. And maybe it would be nice to meet another girl who could relate to you more then Sara. Haven't you noticed Sara's nothing like you." gabby was fine with her mom asking her questions and listening to her, but she hated when she trie to comment and help improve her life.

"Mom! I know Sara, I've known her ever since I was 7 years old. Of course were going to stay best friends. Sure she may be different but that brings us together." She gave her mom one last glare and a disapproving shake, she dashed out of the kitchen and up the stares slamming her door.

"Wait, gabby! I didn't mean anything-" she stopped knowing that what she had to say wouldn't change anything.

First day back and gabby already got into a fight with her mom, well I wouldn't really call that a fight but she'd rather not have started off the first week of school with her mom being annoyed at her.

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