Part 4

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Third person
Dillon puts arm around him Chris looks stunned then he blushes and relaxes his body tries to make himself comfortable in Dillon's arms he pulls the blankets on them to make it not as cold in the room cause he could tell Chris was cold Chris falls asleep
Dillon whispers "I love you...." Then kisses Chris's forehead
Chris P.O.V
Did? I just hear that?!? Love... Omg what?!? He said? He said it he's gay?!? What! But when he says that it doesn't bother me it makes me... Happy! Do I love..? Him too?? And he kissed me ugh?!? Why? Just?....Okay CALM DOWN pretend to still be asleep then smile I really hope this is a dream because idk if I love him two were just...just.... Idk what we are could I love him okay he makes me happy whenever I see him I smile whenever I'm down he makes me laugh we've been friends FOREVER but if Chrislon is real then would that effect our friendship NO who cares BUT wait Cassie NO I could break up with her for Dillon but idk what I should do love him.......ugh just I'm gonna fall asleep and just....nope just go to sleep.....
3rd person
They both fall asleep and later on they start cuddling in there sleep Dillon the big "spoon" and Chris the little "spoon"
To be continued...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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